Why "Nazis" suck


Verified User
The modern crop of Nazis and similar idiots suck because they are just dime-a-dozen racists, not true facists.

True fascism is about power, about might making right, about the strong pursuing their evolutionary destiny to dominate the weak, not about "race" or other sub-literate notions of that nature. "Race goes out the window" if it isn't conductive to power. Loving your supposed "race" or "people" more than power itself is a heresy to fascism.
But they still love black and red... Not to mention they're mostly White...

The modern crop of Nazis and similar idiots suck because they are just dime-a-dozen racists, not true facists.

Some fascists at the time questioned whether the original crop of Nazis were true fascists. They were always borderline, more interested in race than nationality.
The modern crop of Nazis and similar idiots suck because they are just dime-a-dozen racists, not true facists.

True fascism is about power, about might making right, about the strong pursuing their evolutionary destiny to dominate the weak, not about "race" or other sub-literate notions of that nature. "Race goes out the window" if it isn't conductive to power. Loving your supposed "race" or "people" more than power itself is a heresy to fascism.

Why do Nazis suck? That's easy. They nominate a halfwitted racist asshole for president and a VP whose only qualifications are the correct skin pigmentation and genitalia