Why Norway is a BS argument for higher taxes

Some major manufacturers; Baader, Mustadd, Helly-Hansen, Rapp, there are thousands more.

Some major innovations; The Troll (largest drill rig ever built.

As usual Tom's article is short in facts and long on speculation.

The only correct thing is that it is likely not a suitable system for many other countries.
Norway is an argument for the reasonable distribution of income and recognition that the citizens of a modern society DESERVE the benefits derived from having built such a society.
Norway's taxes are quite reasonable simply because they chose instead to use their vast oil reserves to finance their socially responsible Government.
Republicans think its better to give away our National Treasure to the rich and let those who exploit it to keep the riches for themselves.
The FACT Norway scores higher than the US in Health care, Education, Quality of Life and Human Development makes the argument against Norway's taxes BS.
Norway is an argument for the reasonable distribution of income and recognition that the citizens of a modern society DESERVE the benefits derived from having built such a society.

Norway's taxes are quite reasonable simply because they chose instead to use their vast oil reserves to finance their socially responsible Government.

Republicans think its better to give away our National Treasure to the rich and let those who exploit it to keep the riches for themselves.

The FACT Norway scores higher than the US in Health care, Education, Quality of Life and Human Development makes the argument against Norway's taxes BS.

There are three things leftists always leave out of their arguments when they advocate for moving our country to the Nordic model

1) sheer size they are much smaller than us and scale matters

2) for years now they have been able to forgo a strong national defense strategy because they and most of Europe have been suckling off of the USA teat. We have essentially been providing for their national defense. That has allowed these countries to devote more of their money to social programs

3) This is probably the most important component, but these Nordic countries have until recently strictly limited immigration into their countries. They have been historically homogenous societies. You cannot have a massive welfare state and unlimited immigration. It is a fiscal impossibility. Now that these Nordic countries have been seduced into committing suicide by accepting these muslimes it is putting a strain on their social services.

Any conversations attempting to compare the US with these countries that don’t take into account the three things I just outlined are bogus and not worth having.
There are three things leftists always leave out of their arguments when they advocate for moving our country to the Nordic model

1) sheer size they are much smaller than us and scale matters

2) for years now they have been able to forgo a strong national defense strategy because they and most of Europe have been suckling off of the USA teat. We have essentially been providing for their national defense. That has allowed these countries to devote more of their money to social programs

3) This is probably the most important component, but these Nordic countries have until recently strictly limited immigration into their countries. They have been historically homogenous societies. You cannot have a massive welfare state and unlimited immigration. It is a fiscal impossibility. Now that these Nordic countries have been seduced into committing suicide by accepting these muslimes it is putting a strain on their social services.

Any conversations attempting to compare the US with these countries that don’t take into account the three things I just outlined are bogus and not worth having.

Muh muslims so we can't have welfare

Also they have less people so that means welfare costs less right? I am very intelligent.

Look bitch, if all we have at the end of the road with this new American socialism is a Nordic welfare state, we will have failed. That's not socialism. That's capital owners who use a bit more of the carrot instead of just purely using the stick like we do in America, trying to assuage the workers and convince them to give all their surplus value to the parasites. Socialism can only be achieved by the abolition of capital, and the cleansing of all the capital owners who will forever resent having their privilege stripped from them, to produce value and not merely being allowed to extract it from others. Capital ownership should be viewed with no more respect, than a feudal title. That's all capitalism really is, it's feudalism with a duke who has peasants who owe fealty to them, except mobile this time, with the dukes freely trading their titles to capital granted by the ever compliant state, and the dukes constantly seeking to force peasants into onerous extractions.

By "rights" and "freedom", and rightist means almost exactly the same thing as "privilege". They want their special treatments, their special privileges over their capital to be respected and remain eternal. What right does the government have to give away the capital of society to some owner for all eternity? It doesn't even expire like a copyright does, it just passes on to the heir just like a hereditary title.
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Universal healthcare costs society no more than private healthcare. Actually considerably less. We as a society are choosing to waste money to have private healthcare and punish the poor. Just because we're vindictive and cruel.

So many benefits in our society, they are given to corporations who give them to their workers. THis allows those corporations to effectively be the gatekeepers of who has access to the welfare. Our "welfare system" is actually a subsidy to corporations, so that they can offer healthcare to people as long as they agree to slave to them. It's meant to devalue workers and make them desperate for shit jobs where they are abused. It's a personal government grant to the parasitic owners of capital, who do nothing of value to society, yet receive all the benefit. "From each according to his work, to each according to his capital". The receiving class takes all.
New! Imperialism and Genocide™;2949834 said:
Universal healthcare costs society no more than private healthcare. Actually considerably less. We as a society are choosing to waste money to have private healthcare and punish the poor. Just because we're vindictive and cruel.

So many benefits in our society, they are given to corporations who give them to their workers. THis allows those corporations to effectively be the gatekeepers of who has access to the welfare. Our "welfare system" is actually a subsidy to corporations, so that they can offer healthcare to people as long as they agree to slave to them. It's meant to devalue workers and make them desperate for shit jobs where they are abused. It's a personal government grant to the parasitic owners of capital, who do nothing of value to society, yet receive all the benefit. "From each according to his work, to each according to his capital". The receiving class takes all.

You won’t do anything about it. You are weak and ineffectual
Some major manufacturers; Baader, Mustadd, Helly-Hansen, Rapp, there are thousands more.

Some major innovations; The Troll (largest drill rig ever built.

As usual Tom's article is short in facts and long on speculation.

The only correct thing is that it is likely not a suitable system for many other countries.

They would be fucked without oil, you know that perfectly well.