Why not have a single primary day just like we have the general election?


Junior Member
This jockeying around for political "respect" is ridiculous.


The Democratic Party (I've heard the Republicans want to do the same) wants to punish Florida for moving up its primary election so that our (speaking as a resident of Florida) votes mean more in the choosing of the candidates.

Why not have a single date for the primaries in all 50 states like we do for the general election? That way all 50 states get the same say as to who runs and who goes home. I've heard people claim that the current system allows candidates to focus on particular issues for the various states, but with today's media representation that is crap. Besides as a President the man in office should be focused on the country as a whole not the individual states.

I actually promote this idea. I sure would like to be able to vote in a primary where my vote on a national level actually counted for something.
I actually promote this idea. I sure would like to be able to vote in a primary where my vote on a national level actually counted for something.

Well, its not like our votes really count anyway!

I mean can we even be sure that any of the elections in the past were accurate? Despite what Desh always harps about "Gore won because the Republicans cheated". Who can really be certain that the counts are real?

Well, its not like our votes really count anyway!

I mean can we even be sure that any of the elections in the past were accurate? Despite what Desh always harps about "Gore won because the Republicans cheated". Who can really be certain that the counts are real?

Go and work as a judge at your next election. You will be pleasantly surprised and reassured.
Go and work as a judge at your next election. You will be pleasantly surprised and reassured.

I doubt it.

Besides, who's palms would I have to grease to get that privilege and how much grease would I need?

Oh man! Am I getting cynical in my old age or what?

I doubt it.

Besides, who's palms would I have to grease to get that privilege and how much grease would I need?

Oh man! Am I getting cynical in my old age or what?

I just went to the caucus and then volunteered. You will even get paid.

Your County Clerk is the person you talk to, they are always looking for good people to be judges at elections. You will learn all the protections, how it is counted, etc.

I was certainly reassured that my county has real elections where your vote is counted.
This jockeying around for political "respect" is ridiculous.


The Democratic Party (I've heard the Republicans want to do the same) wants to punish Florida for moving up its primary election so that our (speaking as a resident of Florida) votes mean more in the choosing of the candidates.

Why not have a single date for the primaries in all 50 states like we do for the general election? That way all 50 states get the same say as to who runs and who goes home. I've heard people claim that the current system allows candidates to focus on particular issues for the various states, but with today's media representation that is crap. Besides as a President the man in office should be focused on the country as a whole not the individual states.

I personally think it should be one single primary day.
The current structure was setup about 200 years back. The various parties would hold conventions to send delegates to the convention. Later on, states decided to switch to sending them by popular selection - a primary. Of course, each different state back in the old days selected delegates at a different time, as the timing was really irrelevant. Delegates weren't pledged anyway, so you didn't know who would win until the last moment. Whenever primaries came into play, however, and delegates became pledged to specific candidates, timing became extremely important, as within a few early state primaries people would already feel a "snowball" effect and give up on voting in their state. I don't know why no party ever changed it. That's kind of how conservatism works.