Why Notre Dame is no longer an elite program

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
20 years ago Notre Dame was consistantly a top ten or better team. Now the only reason they get into the BCS games is because they have an unfair advantage over all the other college teams. That is they can lose one more game then any other BCS conference team and still automatically qualify for a BCS game. Having said that, even with that advantage Notre Dame has only been to two BCS games and lost both in blow outs. Considering their tradition and their ability to recruit nationwide and their fanbase and the revenue they generate why have they not been able to compete at the top level?

It appears the answer is money. Notre Dame brings in over $40 million a year in revenue. that makes them one of the top 5 programs in College Football but they only spend 18.7 million on the football program. That ranks them around 19th in the NCAA and if you look at spending vs winning in College football it's a direct correlation. For example, Ohio State has won more games and gone to more BCS games then any team in Division 1 during the BCS era. They also spend more on their program then any team in the NCAA at $32 mill/year.

The SEC spends the most as a conference. Averaging about 22 million per team and they are the best conference in the nation.

The Big 10 spends an average of $18 million per team and is the nations second best conference. In case anyone hasn't noticed, Notre Dames performance in the last ten years has been equivalent to an average Big 10 team and their expenditures are at that same level as an average Big 10 team. So that rather makes a direct correlation with Notre Dames ability to compete with the nations top teams.

If ND wants to get back into national prominence in football then they need to increase their commitment to the program by 4 to 6 million a year.
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I don't think its money that's Notre Dame's issue.

One is TV. Notre Dame used to be special with its TV contract. Now almost every game is televised so they've lost that advantage.

The second is weather and location. It is a school in the middle of nowhere with bad weather.

No amount of money is going to be able to change those things.
In the Pac-10, we must spend about 5¢ on each team... :D
The Pac 10 has two teams that spend more then ND and those two teams over the last ten years have performed better then ND (USC and Cal). They have two more teams that spend comparable to ND and they have comparable records to ND.

The conferences rank as follows by average spending.

#1. SEC
#2. Big 10
#3. ACC
#4. Pac 10
#5. Big 12
#6. Big East

In terms of spending though the gap betwenn the Big 10 and SEC will probably shrink with the new contract the Big 10 network has negotiated with Cable networks. If the spending correalation is an accurate predictor the SEC should remain on top but the gap should narrow.
Stop the Priests from molesting children? You'd have to ask George W. Bush, he talks to God in the shower apparently so it may take a day or two for the answer.
Oh, come now, he could ask Sarah Palin and Christine too, they have both had more recent conversations with god! I think he has stopped communicating with George because that didn't work out too well for god! It kind of made him look foolish because the Iraq war didn't exactly work out for George like he told him it would! Now with Christine we have credibility and god talking! and Sarah Palin has her prayer groups and witch hunters! Life is good! America just keeps on getting crazier!
Stop the Priests from molesting children? You'd have to ask George W. Bush, he talks to God in the shower apparently so it may take a day or two for the answer.
Oh, come now, he could ask Sarah Palin and Christine too, they have both had more recent conversations with god! I think he has stopped communicating with George because that didn't work out too well for god! It kind of made him look foolish because the Iraq war didn't exactly work out for George like he told him it would! Now with Christine we have credibility and god talking! and Sarah Palin has her prayer groups and witch hunters! Life is good! America just keeps on getting crazier!
Notre Dame is the most overrated football program in the last 25 years. They have gone to bowl games on 6-6 records. It is time for the NCAA to stop kissing their ass. They suck.
When was the last time they were in the top ten?
When they played LSU in the sugerbowl!!
I was there, the Irish did not deserve the beatdown they got.
Bradey Quinn hasn't been the same, and we see what it lead to with Coach.
They have never recovered.

Oh yeah, my son had a fake field goal for about a 15yrd gain and a first down.