Why Only Mass Murderers?


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Speeding up the time between conviction and execution for every murderer is long overdue:

Blackstone’s Ratio probably made sense hundreds of years ago. It makes no sense today when you look at all of the protection criminals are given before trial in this country. Murderers are given even more protections in the form of endless appeals after they are found guilty. Twenty years or more often elapses before a murderer is finally executed. And executions are disappearing each time a state legislator abolishes the death penalty. Indeed, fewer executions take place than the number of convicted murderers released.

I doubt if all of those convicted murderers being set free are not guilty twenty years after being convicted. There is too much room for bribery and tampering with evidence to convince me that so many prosecutors made so many mistakes. Or maybe juries made all of those mistakes which does not say much for the jury system.


Unfortunately, lawyers make too much money on appeals for this legislation to stand a chance:



The Department of Justice has drafted legislation that would expedite capital punishment for those found guilty of mass killings, according to a top Trump administration official.

DOJ, Pence’s team propose quick executions for mass shooters
By Nikki Schwab
September 2, 2019 | 1:55pm


First off, the Supreme Court will knock down “quick executions” even if it passes. Justice delayed is justice denied is never considered by federal judges when it comes to the death penalty.

Secondly, the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death kill everybody —— except convicted murderers.

Note that mass killings usually occur within minutes which tells me the proposed law is a sneaky approach to disarming law-abiding Americans. Serial killers are mass murderers who kill individual victims over a long period of time, yet they are not included in the proposed legislation because they do not shoot their victims. Basically, Jack the Ripper who killed with a knife would die in prison of old age.

Finally, every mass murderer starts out knowing they will be killed at the scene of the crime or shortly thereafter. An unreported suicide never occurs to them; hence, publicity is their motivating factor.

Television does not have First Amendment protection. No law is required if the Department of Justice is serious about reducing those mass killings carried out with a gun. The Ministry of Propaganda (FCC) can do something useful for once by pulling broadcast licenses from the outlets that provide the wall-to-wall coverage mass murderers want more than they want to live.
fuck you Russians

this nation has individual protects to avoid killing innocent people

You want to give that shit up?

give up your guns first
this nation has individual protects to avoid killing innocent people

To evince: Far too many appeals to punish the guilty.

Long before 1987 Clarence Darrow not only beat the death penalty he beat life without parole.

I believe that Leopold and Loeb beating the hangman was the most influential decision ever handed down in death penalty cases. Clarence Darrow’s entire defense was designed to beat the death penalty rather than get Leopold and Loeb off.

With their sons facing the hangman, the killers’ rich families called in a legal luminary — Clarence Darrow, 66, famed for saving 100 defendants from execution.

“Not guilty,” the original plea, would have put them before a jury, not a wise move with a pair of defendants as arrogant and unlikable as Leopold and Loeb.

Today’s touchy-feely garbage and psycho-babble gained nationwide acceptance because the Bobby Franks murder case got more publicity than did all of Darrow’s previous 100 death penalty cases combined.

Darrow, in a stunning move, changed the plea to guilty. Their case, with a parade of alienists, as psychiatrists were known in those days, would be presented to the judge, who would decide on life or death. In a three-day summation, Darrow quoted poetry, history and science in a plea for mercy so eloquent even the judge got misty-eyed. Darrow said that the boys, although not legally insane, were mentally ill and not responsible for their actions. “They killed him as they might kill a spider or a fly.”

Darrow ended up with two more notches on his saved-from-the-hangman’s belt. The judge gave his clients life plus 99 years.

90th anniversary of Leopold and Loeb's horrific murder
BY Mara Bovsun
Saturday, May 17, 2014, 9:47 PM


Life plus 99 years got lost when Leopold was paroled in 1958. Note that life without parole became another judicial myth after it was attached to a life sentence. Even worse, Darrow gave “. . . alienists, as psychiatrists were known in those days . . .” a vote in deciding guilty or not guilty. It will not be long before lawyers call upon “expert astrologists” reading tarot cards decide punishment.

The assumption is that many mass murderers are crazy. We are not supposed to execute the impaired in America. Killing people who are sentenced for killing people makes no sense. Texas loves to do capital punishment. It works so well, that they don't have any mass murderers. Their executions solved that problem.
Television does not have First Amendment protection. No law is required if the Department of Justice is serious about reducing those mass killings carried out with a gun. The Ministry of Propaganda (FCC) can do something useful for once by pulling broadcast licenses from the outlets that provide the wall-to-wall coverage mass murderers want more than they want to live.

Democrat gun-grabbers defend broadcast licenses to the death. There is no justification to protect CNN putting our agents at risk:

However, its latest expedition into the CNN fake news genre has taken us into depths that even CNN employees had never before reached and, perhaps, hadn’t realized possible…even for their non-stellar cast of characters.

Apparently, another member of the Obama Administration, Jim Sciutto who landed the position of “Chief National Security Correspondent” at the now-discredited-by-intelligent-humans Cable News Network, placed not only President Trump in jeopardy but, put a (former) US double agent in extreme danger by divulging information about him that led to people finding out his name and address. This has placed the agent and his family in extreme danger from Russia. Mr. Putin’s enemies seem to eerily die when in his disfavor.

Does CNN--Finally--Need to have its Broadcast License suspended or pulled?
By Sher Zieve
September 11, 2019

In cases of murder and rape, DNA has shown that 11.6 percent support wrongful convictions.https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/251115.pdf I don't know why anyone would want capital punishment. Killing people is a sin and a crime, so we will kill you if we believe you are guilty. We may be wrong, but we will put your lights our even though we will kill many who are innocent.
What can be worse than a state killing innocent people for a crime they did not commit.
We are among the most backward nations with the death penalty.