Why Philosophy Matters


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As Bertrand Russell pointed out over a century ago, philosophy is the first academic discipline, the first show from which all the others are spin-offs. Pythagoras is most famous now for his eponymous theorem, but he called himself a philosopher, not a mathematician. Mathematics hadn’t yet splintered away to become its own field; all scholarship was one.

In the Renaissance and early modern period the natural sciences, formerly known as “natural philosophy,” became their own distinctive subject. In 1776 Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations, thus becoming the father of economics. At the time Smith was the Chair of Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow, and was best known for The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759).


Book Review: ‘Open Socrates’ shows why philosophy isn’t a spectator sport​

During a time when many are complaining about divisiveness in politics and in society, it seems counterintuitive for a book to make the case that we need to argue more.

But in “Open Socrates: The Case for a Philosophical Life,” Agnes Callard illustrates how philosophy isn’t just a spectator sport. It requires engaging with one another and arguing with each other, and admitting mistakes.

You deny and discard philosophy, Hugo. You don't even have any idea what it is.

It's no different then your denial of mathematics, logic, or science.

You can't thound thmart by quoting random books about 'philosophy'.
As Bertrand Russell pointed out over a century ago, philosophy is the first academic discipline, the first show from which all the others are spin-offs. Pythagoras is most famous now for his eponymous theorem, but he called himself a philosopher, not a mathematician. Mathematics hadn’t yet splintered away to become its own field; all scholarship was one.

In the Renaissance and early modern period the natural sciences, formerly known as “natural philosophy,” became their own distinctive subject. In 1776 Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations, thus becoming the father of economics. At the time Smith was the Chair of Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow, and was best known for The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759).

that was geometry.

modern philosophy is a way to destroy good minds with idiotic word games.

You obviously have no idea what philosophy is either. Well, no big surprise. Schools in the United States don't teach it.
im merely contrasting that it used to be good; it came up with geometry.

But, now it's word games designed to waste good minds.

I fully stand behind this assertion.

you have nothing deep state fascist dullard.