Why Pinheads are Enamoured With Dixie

It is indeed a curiosity, how someone they claim is irrelevant and stupid, garners so much of their attention and energy on a daily basis. Read through the threads, you will see the board is full of Pinheads proclaiming me everything in the book, from a redneck hick to a racist, and digging up threads from years ago, just to try and make some point about my irrelevance.

Some of them have kept databases of my commentary on file, taking up massive space on their hard drives, but ready in an instant, to use as ammo against me whenever they see me post. It's funny they will go to this much of an extreme to refute someone who means so very little, and is so insignificant, according to them.

Of course, this all defies logic, if I were so unimportant and insignificant, I would be largely ignored here, and would seldom be able to even get a response from them. They certainly wouldn't be going to the trouble of keeping databases and digging up my old threads, what would be the point if I were insignificant?

So, the question is, what is it about "Dixie" that the pinheads find so intriguing? Why is it, they will literally spend their days and nights, trying to dig up an old Dixie quote or something they can post to "refute" me? Well, I think it boils down to this... I get under their skin. I don't let them get away with posting bullshit propaganda, I call them on their stupidity, and I do it in a way that is easy to understand and comprehend, and illustrate just how absurd their ideas are.

This is hard enough for the elitist pricks to deal with, but the fact it is coming from a Southerner named "dixie" with a rebel flag avatar, well... that just goes against every stereotypical and judgmental notion in their politically correct brains, and they just snap! I'm not supposed to be handing them their ass in debate, it's supposed to be the other way around. I'm not supposed to be making valid points they can't refute, they are supposed to be doing that! They just can't get over the fact that I am telling it like it is, and there is nothing they can say to counter my arguments. The more they try, the more I make them look like fools, and this just fuels the resentment.

So, while you are all wading through the latest re-posting of my old threads, and enduring the endless stream of new threads to bash on Dixie, you will know why a supposedly 'uneducated insignificant ignorant redneck' is getting so much attention from the pinheads.
Dixie rules. Like him or not, the best threads ever are Dix threads. Shit, we still talk about threads that happened years ago because of this guy.

My man makes "wrong" wrong.