Why Putin will not leave

Alik Bahshi

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Alik Bakhshi

Why Putin will not leave

Power is a drug.
Who tried it once - poisoned it forever.

Winston Churchill

Today, ahead of the upcoming presidential elections, many are wondering whether Putin will leave, or will participate in the elections? The naive question of whether he will win elections is naturally not worth it. The active participation in the election process of state structures under Putin's control, down to power, as was demonstrated in the case of Navalny, excludes a different outcome. It's another matter if Putin decides not to run for president, but this will not happen due to the following circumstances.
The main problem for Putin in the event of his resignation as president is his personal safety. Castling, which he carried out in tandem with Medvedev in the past, this time is impossible because of the extremely low popularity of the latter. There is no other reliable candidate for Putin. By the way, if Putin voluntarily leaves, then Medvedev automatically finds himself in an identical situation with him. The change of power against the backdrop of inexorably slipping into the abyss of the economy will inevitably lead to the search for the perpetrators, which is similar for Putin. Even if an associate who is loyal to Putin today comes to power, he will have to break down the vertical of power built by Putin, because it is completely corrupt, but because it was the conductor of the vicious economic policy of the center.

Undoubtedly, Putin is responsible for the state of the economy, because it negated the economic and political reforms that began under Yeltsin. But could Putin have acted differently? The fact is that democracy in Russia was transformed into an ugly form, where the power was in the hands of the oligarchs - scammers who, taking advantage of the lack of initiative of the Russian people, both in business and in politics, seized all the command posts of the administration. Then the partial disintegration of the Soviet empire prevented the inevitable general riot and chaos. The scattered peoples, no matter how they could, took up survival. A fairly reduced empire, it would seem, escaped the catastrophe and the democratic reforms that were initiated promised a promising future, but ...
However, the new nouveaux riches, devoid of patriotism, did not see the Motherland in Russia and plundered the country, leaving no chance for the future as an empire. Putin, gaining power from the oligarchs who rashly brought him to power, hoping to make a puppet out of him, got rid of them first, and then restored the authoritarian regime traditional for Russia, as the only one capable of stopping the further collapse of the empire. Having defined the social system as a sovereign democracy, that is, democracy for a sovereign, Putin essentially abandoned democracy to the great joy of the people who do not understand and accept its values. The absence of a free economic market, the state's participation in production activities, as a consequence of the growth of the bureaucratic administration and the inevitable corruption in such conditions, returned the country in the 1990s, when the USSR ceased to exist.
The main reason for the failed democracy in Russia lies in the inability of the Russian people to organize themselves, both in labor and political activities, as well as servility to an official of any rank. Democracy and the Russian people, this is nonsense (1). In this case, it does not matter whether Putin understood this or not, the reality shows that his authoritarian regime of management brought the empire back to the historical point of inevitable disintegration. The secret desire of Putin's revanchist to restore the empire within the borders of the USSR resulted in the emergence of sanctions, which further exacerbated the economic situation. Putin, who has built a vertical of power for himself, when any action, it's ridiculous to see, up to the repair of someone's apartment, can not do without his participation, naturally automatically puts him the main culprit of the coming economic catastrophe. The vicious circle, in which the patchwork empire turned out (the definition of K. Marx), presupposes a single outcome - disintegration. The Russian empire is at a stage when it can not function normally either under authoritarianism or under conditions of democracy.
Putin is trying to stop the course of history, but history is not a children's tale, and it is unlikely that a pike caught by him can help him in this regard. Anyone who tries to stop the course of history becomes its victim and Putin is no exception. Putin's Russia is like the miracle of a surviving prehistoric monster from the era of the Lizards, which has no place in the modern world.

Another landmark fact pointing to the fact that Putin was not going to leave the Kremlin is the national guard created by him, in analogy with the oprichniks of Ivan the Terrible (2), who is in direct subordination to him, with the sole task of safeguarding power. Putin has not enough police and army. The police are a well-known case - corrupt, and the army is too large an organization to be close and always at hand. Of course, at the head of the oprichniki Khinshtein, who, of course, without hesitation, will give the order to shoot at the people. On the example of the well-known executioners Lazar Kaganovich and Mendel Khataevich, the Kremlin authorities always knew who to choose as punishers of the people (3). The other, similar to him, namely, a well-known liar and a whore, completely devoid of conscience, Putin-caressed Kremlin nightingale Vladimir Rudolfovich (4) had already shown his attitude to the people, calling those who dared to be dissatisfied with the Putin regime, 2% of shit. How can I not remember that the oprichniks were the first to leave the Tsar as Khan Girey approached Moscow. I am sure that this support of Putin, as soon as he smells fried, breaks into Israel, fleeing from the popular anger.

1. People's destiny, or each cricket has its own pole. Http://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/?skip=100#post-alikbahshi-4732
2. Demonstrative departure of Putin's oprichniki. Http://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/#post-alikbahshi-28709
3. Katyn, before and after. Http://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/?skip=100#post-alikbahshi-6809
4. Ofiget it is possible. Http://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/#post-alikbahshi-31535
