APP - Why Robert Mueller is compromising national security

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I know that the left is all a dither over Robert Mueller's 12 indictments last year, but he is putting our national security at risk in a political game of chicken trying to get President Trump and here is how.

Historically there have been some unwritten rules in the spy craft world. Once an agent was compromised it was not on the countries best interests to indict or prosecute them. Often they would try to compromise them or flip them. What Mueller did by exposing these agents is put our trade secrets at risk. All Putin has to do is offer up one of these folks to stand trial. They can hire a high priced lawyer and then demand discovery. That would force Mueller's hand. Just like it did with the other indictments. Mueller would then be forced to reveal trade secrets on how they obtained information which would be invaluable to Putin. So invaluable that he would be willing to give up a body or two to face a court proceeding in an effort to learn some of America's secrets.

Mueller needs to be shut down