Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?


Verified User
I'm not. There are scientific realities about planet atmospheres, the composition and behavior or the molecules that make them up and how it all impacts the climate of the planet. We both know that the disappearance of the Earth's atmosphere would dramatically and catastrophically change the earth and it's climate. We also know there is a reason that the Earth having an atmosphere that is 95% CO2 would also have dramatic and catastrophic consequences. You saying heat doesn't have a location, there's no such thing as climate, your general denial of scientific realities etc doesn't change the reality that an increase of CO2 in the atmosphere would impact climate by trapping heat.

not much.

not an amount that's even close to worth worrying about.

co2 is not a pollutant.

even warming is natural.

you people just want to justify mass murder with your dumb theatrics.

ΔT(c)=S⋅log (c/i)

is working just as predicted.