In all bloody truth, fascism is power manifested, the will of the strong to purge the weak, to dominate, to crush, to destroy all inferior languages, cultures, nations, and to govern the world with an iron fist. Whether ordained by God, by nature, by evolution, or anything else? It doesn't matter, all that matters is winning, is victory, is might.
So tell me then why a fascist should care about your imaginary "rights" which you can never prove exist except in your own tiny imagination, and which you hold and cling to with all the childish naivete and foolishness which you would a sky daddy?
Your archaic Constitution? Easily burned and destroyed, and replaced with a new fascist constitution, in which they only Right is Might.
Your "frees peach", your "rights to assembly"? Easily subverted through state-sponsored terrorism, assassinations or the institution of martial law.
Your "media" or "news", your businesses - easily destroyed, censored, subordinated to fascist dogma and propaganda, in which only the might have any agency in deciding what "truth' is to begin with, or what will be presented by the state as "truth" to your children and grandchilden, via state-run mass media, propaganda, education, churches, and other information and outlets, with all rival claims to truth which fail to conform to the fascist will destroyed, censored, subverted, crushed by the truth and virtue of might alone, with all "private" businesses, corporations, or otherwise subverted to the utility of fascism, or else sabatoged, destroyed, eliminated from the competition altogether, much as Hitler sabatoged and destroyed the Jewish business economy in WWII and subverted it to the will of the strong:
(Your children will grow up and conform to the new national and global fascist media whether you like it or not, they are the property and tools of the state, and any sense of loyalty to primitive notions such as family over state can easily be moulded out of them).
You "women's rights?" Hah, women are nothing but property of the state, their only agency to have an abortion is that ordained by fascism, such as the mandatory aborting of defectives like homosexuals or transgenders - beyond that, they'll submit and do what the state tells and orders them, give birth if it serves the interest of fascism, abort if it doesn't - if they don't, they can have their wombs cut open for all the fascist state cares.
Fascism bows to no "god", no "nation", no "constitution", no antiquated sense of "morality, rights", or other illusions and fabrications which the weak and defective coddle themselves with, fascism is power in its rawest form.
So tell me, why should a fascist care about your nonsexist, imaginary "rights" or any of your other irrelevant "feelings" on any issue, when simply having you shot rather than boring oneself to listening you moaning at all might be more expedient.
So tell me then why a fascist should care about your imaginary "rights" which you can never prove exist except in your own tiny imagination, and which you hold and cling to with all the childish naivete and foolishness which you would a sky daddy?
Your archaic Constitution? Easily burned and destroyed, and replaced with a new fascist constitution, in which they only Right is Might.
Your "frees peach", your "rights to assembly"? Easily subverted through state-sponsored terrorism, assassinations or the institution of martial law.
Your "media" or "news", your businesses - easily destroyed, censored, subordinated to fascist dogma and propaganda, in which only the might have any agency in deciding what "truth' is to begin with, or what will be presented by the state as "truth" to your children and grandchilden, via state-run mass media, propaganda, education, churches, and other information and outlets, with all rival claims to truth which fail to conform to the fascist will destroyed, censored, subverted, crushed by the truth and virtue of might alone, with all "private" businesses, corporations, or otherwise subverted to the utility of fascism, or else sabatoged, destroyed, eliminated from the competition altogether, much as Hitler sabatoged and destroyed the Jewish business economy in WWII and subverted it to the will of the strong:
(Your children will grow up and conform to the new national and global fascist media whether you like it or not, they are the property and tools of the state, and any sense of loyalty to primitive notions such as family over state can easily be moulded out of them).
You "women's rights?" Hah, women are nothing but property of the state, their only agency to have an abortion is that ordained by fascism, such as the mandatory aborting of defectives like homosexuals or transgenders - beyond that, they'll submit and do what the state tells and orders them, give birth if it serves the interest of fascism, abort if it doesn't - if they don't, they can have their wombs cut open for all the fascist state cares.
Fascism bows to no "god", no "nation", no "constitution", no antiquated sense of "morality, rights", or other illusions and fabrications which the weak and defective coddle themselves with, fascism is power in its rawest form.
So tell me, why should a fascist care about your nonsexist, imaginary "rights" or any of your other irrelevant "feelings" on any issue, when simply having you shot rather than boring oneself to listening you moaning at all might be more expedient.
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