APP - Why should we trust NeverTrumpers?

Seems like they are the ones compromising their vaunted principles to me

I wonder what JPP Never Trumpers have to say about this?

they are completely full of shit. it should be entirely obvious by now that "nevertrumpers" were secret liberals all along, running interference for democrats. Trump has backed them into a corner because now they can't give lip service to things without actually following through.
they are completely full of shit. it should be entirely obvious by now that "nevertrumpers" were secret liberals all along, running interference for democrats. Trump has backed them into a corner because now they can't give lip service to things without actually following through.

they are completely full of shit. it should be entirely obvious by now that "nevertrumpers" were secret liberals all along, running interference for democrats. Trump has backed them into a corner because now they can't give lip service to things without actually following through.

Exactly. It has been a ruse the whole time. It is why Never Trumpers are so angry. They cry and whine and say we have "compromised our principles", but I haven't compromised one single solitary political principle. Not one. I still support the same positions now that I supported before Trump got elected.

Everything they accuse us of they themselves are guilty of. They focus on Trump's personality. I focus on policy.

Never Trumpers are in the worst possible place politically. They are unacceptable to leftists and they are shunned by true Conservatives.