APP - Why socialists like Bernie appeal to the yutes

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
It isn't just their idealism. It isn't just the horrible public schools they have been forced to attend that are nothing more than indoctrination camps although that is part of it. No the real reason is because society as a whole and liberalism has failed them

For decades teenagers are told they must go to college. If they don't go to college they have no chance of succeeding at life. So they go to college which of course is subsidized by the federal government (thanks to the left) at astronomical costs. Too many receive degrees in subjects that make it impossible to land good paying jobs to pay back their astronomical debt. Degrees in the social sciences and humanities look like fun on paper, but they are worthless in the real world

So now you have these students graduating college with crushing student loan debt debt and no job prospects, other than part time minimum wage work. That means no health insurance. Their prospects of buying a car and a house are dim. They have a high cost of living and dismal future prospects. Of course Bernie’s guaranteed minimum wage, free health care, cancellation of student debt, and social justice platitudes are appealing options for them.

The irony is that it is Obama that put them into this student debt spiral

I was talking to a friend who has a child graduating from college this year and is looking at 30 year student loans. They used to be 10 year loans when the private sector ran them. This is a travesty.