Why Study Hitler's Persuasive Method?


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Hitler and the Nazi Party treated the German people as if they were one entity, because individuals are rational, think for themselves, and are concerned about their own well-being; whereas groups are unintelligent and easily persuaded.

Sigmund Freud stated that groups tend to have the characteristics of “weakness of intellectual ability,…lack of emotional restraint,...incapacity for moderation and delay, [and] the inclination to exceed every limit in the expression of emotion.”

Freud went on to say that groups “show an unmistakable picture of a regression of mental activity to an earlier stage such as…children” (qtd. in Bosamajian 69). Hitler used this understanding of groups to strategically manipulate the German people.

Hitler and the Nazis recognized that if the German people had a group mentality they would be much more receptive to Nazi ideology and propaganda. To reinforce this mindset in the German people, or Volk, the Nazis held events that required mass participation and did not invite individuality, such as “parades, mass meetings, semi-religious rituals, [and] festivals” (Boasmajian 70).

Anyone who did not openly participate or share the emotion of the rest of the crowd was easily identified and dealt with by either the crowd itself or by security personnel. One did not even have to be resistant or cause a disturbance to be viewed as subversive; indifference alone was enough to infuriate the crowd (Bosamajian 69-70).

Freud said that a crowd demands “strength or even violence” of its leaders: “It wants to be ruled and oppressed and to fear its master” (70). Hitler and the Nazis fulfilled this psychological need by infusing the Volk with the idea that the Nazi Party was strong and powerful, and thus, to the feeble mind of the crowd, trustworthy. This was accomplished through a myriad of ways, some obvious and others subtle.

One of the most overt ways that Hitler conveyed a sense of strength and power was through his speeches, during which he would yell and wave his arms violently. The Nazis displayed strength through demonstrations of military might. During the frequent military parades, the army would march with its distinctive goose-step walk.

The Heil salute made famous by the Nazis added to their powerful image, as did Hitler’s title, Der Führer, which meant “the leader.” Some of the more subtle ways that strength was portrayed include the excessive use of common Nazi symbols such as the eagle, the swastika, and trigger words such as “sword”, “fire”, and “blood” (Bosamajian 70).


Hitler’s inordinate use of trigger words helped him to maintain the support and attention of his audiences and allowed them to get exceedingly excited about his speeches. These words added to Hitler’s tactics of persuasion by creating word association.

When referring to Germany, he used words that conveyed strength. When speaking about enemy nations or about Jews and Marxists, he used words that alluded to weakness, his favorite of which was pacifist; he used this term to refer to anything and everything that he disagreed with. To Hitler, pacifism was the ultimate sign of weakness (Bosamajian 71).

Another technique Hitler employed in his speeches was the “either-or” fallacy.

By creating a false dilemma in the mind of his audience, he was able to convince them that although something was unethical, it was the only option. The shallow nature of the group was not able to comprehend that a statement such as “either the German people annihilate the Jews or the Jews will enslave them” is not logically true.

According to Bosamajian, “either-or” dilemmas “appealed to the crowd mentality…because of the definiteness and strength in the ‘either-or’ presentation. There is no compromise…[or] weakness in ‘either-or’....‘Either-or’ [is] power and strength” (73-4). These arguments created a sense of urgency in the audience; they were a call to action.

The final tactic Hitler used to persuade the Volk through his speeches was convincing his audience that the rest of the world thought of Germany as inferior, second-class citizens.

This angered the crowd, who had been comprehensively indoctrinated to believe that they were the master race. Hitler offered up as evidence the Treaty of Versailles, which he believed treated the Germans as subhuman.

The average German must have thought, “How dare those pacifist cowards call us, the perfect Aryan race, second class or inferior?” He would have doubtlessly been enraged.

Hitler furthermore blamed Germany’s relegation to second-class status on the Jews, who he claimed both caused Germany to lose World War I and stole wealth that rightfully belonged to those of German descent. The irrational nature of the crowd caused the Germans to be very accepting of this idea and to defer blame to those it felt possessed something of which they were undeserving (Bosamajian 74-6).
The final tactic Hitler used to persuade the Volk through his speeches was convincing his audience that the rest of the world thought of Germany as inferior, second-class citizens.

Did the world call them Deplorables too?

This angered the crowd, who had been comprehensively indoctrinated to believe that they were the master race. Hitler offered up as evidence the Treaty of Versailles, which he believed treated the Germans as subhuman.

And the Germans rallied against the ones who saw them as Deplorables.

See there are two ways to look at these things.
Did the world call them Deplorables too?

And the Germans rallied against the ones who saw them as Deplorables.

See there are two ways to look at these things.

NOTHING is new under the sun. Average dirtbags can still move the mob.
Mussolini preceded Hitler and he wound up in the same place. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini The Fascists hate socialists because they don't approve of Nationalism. They have to go. Trump is an inheritor of that attitude. If you question him, you are not wrong, you are an enemy. The press is an enemy. The Dems are an enemy. The police /CBI are an enemy, until he wrests away the control of them. Then they are his. Note Trump referred to the senate as his senate. America can be happy that Trump is old and not too bright.
I don't see Trump as a studier. He didn't read the techniques of Hitler or Mussolini. It just comes naturally for him. He is a great conman but a terrible human being.
Know where Bannon is? He is in Sweden developing a Nationalistic party and it is growing rapidly.
No country is free from the siren song of us against those who are cheating us and holding us down. But they are pointed in the wrong direction. Trump and the wealthy are who are keeping you down. No immigrants are not taking your fucking jobs. who is stupid enough to believe that?
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Mussolini preceded Hitler and he wound up in the same place. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini The Fascists hate socialists because they don't approve of Nationalism. They have to go.

Trump is an inheritor of that attitude. If you question him, you are not wrong, you are an enemy. The press is an enemy. The Dems are an enemy. The police /FCBI are an enemy, until he wrests away the control of them. Then they are his. Note Trump referred to the senate as his senate. America can be happy that Trump is old and not too bright.

I don't see Trump as a studier. He didn't read the techniques of Hitler or Mussolini. It just comes naturally for him. He is a great conman but a terrible human being.

Know where Bannon is? He is in Sweden developing a Nationalistic party and it is growing rapidly.

No country is free from the siren song of us against those who are cheating us and holding us down. But they are pointed in the wrong direction. Trump and the wealthy are who are keeping you down. No immigrants are not atking your fucking jobs. who is stupid enough to believe that?

That's why 70 leaders snubbed Trump. They remember nationalism.
because lib'ruls have a Hitler fetish........

Because Hitler NEVER talked with individuals and immediately eliminated Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, Scientists, Intellectuals, Clerics and anyone with an education who might see thru his lies and challenge him.

The same reason Trump LOVES the uneducated, prefers mobs and hates the press.