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these are the statistics of how long the average bill of currently is in circulation
$1 6.6 years
$5 4.7 years
$10 5.3 years
$20 7.8 years.
Now a simple 6% sale tax on each dollar circulated in every transaction it exists used in the specific timetables above.
First time used 6% is devalued to $.94. Second time used it becomes worth $.88. Third time $.82. Simple compounding interest rates on the each physical bill regardless used in person or electronic transfer of within the internet transactions.
So after 16.25 transactions the government issuing the currency has its population dying for symbolism over substance and time is money philosophy.
I just used a local sales tax, not included all the other taxes, fees, fines imposed on the governed to pay for the government training their brain to mind ideas life isn't self evident daily.
Everyone guesses where corruption will end, but everyone avoids where it came from, why? It isn't that difficult to correct when ancestries understand how their next generations have been intellectually manipulated daily by academics, arts, economics, politics, spiritualisms, social consensus promising better tomorrows 7 days a week playing 6 degrees of separation within 5 ancestral lineages having up to 5 generation gaps living same rotation some longitude changes date on a calendar of planned future events for each great great grandchild to die for cradle to grave daily.
Pick an ideology to die for because humanity won't allow any ancestor to be honest about evolving in plains ight now. The actual tyranny in every alternate reality working in a multiverse of parallel universes of space time beyond adapting when alive today/this rotation with a body never same total sum results since arrived a fertilized cell.
$1 6.6 years
$5 4.7 years
$10 5.3 years
$20 7.8 years.
Now a simple 6% sale tax on each dollar circulated in every transaction it exists used in the specific timetables above.
First time used 6% is devalued to $.94. Second time used it becomes worth $.88. Third time $.82. Simple compounding interest rates on the each physical bill regardless used in person or electronic transfer of within the internet transactions.
So after 16.25 transactions the government issuing the currency has its population dying for symbolism over substance and time is money philosophy.
I just used a local sales tax, not included all the other taxes, fees, fines imposed on the governed to pay for the government training their brain to mind ideas life isn't self evident daily.
Everyone guesses where corruption will end, but everyone avoids where it came from, why? It isn't that difficult to correct when ancestries understand how their next generations have been intellectually manipulated daily by academics, arts, economics, politics, spiritualisms, social consensus promising better tomorrows 7 days a week playing 6 degrees of separation within 5 ancestral lineages having up to 5 generation gaps living same rotation some longitude changes date on a calendar of planned future events for each great great grandchild to die for cradle to grave daily.
Pick an ideology to die for because humanity won't allow any ancestor to be honest about evolving in plains ight now. The actual tyranny in every alternate reality working in a multiverse of parallel universes of space time beyond adapting when alive today/this rotation with a body never same total sum results since arrived a fertilized cell.