APP - Why the democrat party was so miserable during the State of the Union

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Obviously everyone has seen the petulant performance the democrat put on the other night during the President's State of the Union speech. To be fair, it has been a common occurrence that opposition parties don't want to be too enthusiastic about the other parties priorities. However, it has been standard norm to have some common ground to cheer about like our military, heroes, tragedy and improving economic conditions.

But, that isn't what the democrat party wants

They do not want employment to rise.
They do not want the stock market to rise.
They do not want the economy to grow.
They do not want the President to succeed.
They do not want to see America prosper under someone else’s leadership.

They know that if Americans are feeling good about the economy and the direction of the country, no amount of tweets by President Trump will make them move in another direction.

Democrats have a belief that they are entitled to power and they hate having none of it. They control nothing in DC right now. Even when Bush was President, the democrat party set the agenda. No more. Trump is setting the agenda. Trump is setting the terms of the debate. The old democrat playbook is falling flat.

It is fun to watch
Bingo to make it short, the democrats have no agenda. They stand for No tax cuts for the mididle class and all the illegal immigrants they can import and pay for with sanctuary cities.

They are not only trying to sell our children and grandchildren out they arent smart enough to understand they are selling their own out also
This is not a legitimate administration. Giving credence to the pretender is unwarranted, he has no constitutional right to the power he wields. Democrats are responding in kind to the unbridled aggression of this cancer that has set itself up on the American people, that governs without the constitution, without law, or the consent of the governed.
Joy is the suffering of rightists. Justice is the suffering of rightists. Good is the suffering of rightists. All other values are irrelevant.
Obama should not have transferred power to Trump. No transfer of power to a Republican should ever occur again. I fully believe that the Democrats should form a single party state.