APP - Why the democrat party winning back the House isn't that big of a deal

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So we are heading into the homestretch of this mid term election cycle and democrats are gleeful about the prospects of taking back the House. Very few prognosticators think they will take back the Senate.

So what is likely to happen if the democrats take back the House? Not much. They can't pass any meaningful legislation. I mean they can, but it will only go to the Senate to die or get a veto by the President.

About the only thing they will have is investigative power and lets be honest. Right now that is all that they want. What will they do with that power? Well, they will lose their minds. They will go nuts investigating the President and in turn they will turn off the American voters and they will have a shortlived control of the House

For the things I really care about, this mid term isn't that important. Don't get me wrong. I would prefer that the GOP keeps the House, but it won't be devastating if they don't. The action is in the Senate. I care about remaking the courts and that is where it happens. As long as the GOP keeps the Senate we are set for when Ginsburg dies