APP - Why the left has gone off the rails and there is no turning back

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
The left has been on a slow march since Woodrow Wilson trying to undo the American Revolution. Unlike radical revolutions like occurred in Russia and China where hundreds of millions died, the "progressives" in America have shown a tremendous amount of patience. Yes they would lose a few electoral skirmishes now and then, but they were always advancing the ball downfield.

For decades they have been able to hide their true feelings about the middle class who inherently abhor big government. For decades the progressives talked about their support for the middle class while their policies decimated the middle class.

So what changed?

The election of B. Hussein Obama was a signal to the leftists that their time had finally come. They felt it was safe to come out of the woodwork and they tried to force their policies down Americans throats like their transgender policy. They thought they had finally ushered in a progressive ruling majority for ever and ever

And then the American people revolted. It started with the Tea Party and Obama dismissed them and used the IRS against them. They thought they had beat back the rebellion

Then the unthinkable happened. The American people elected Donald J Trump. Donald J Trump has represented the biggest threat to progressivism ever and they know it. That is why they are so scared. If he is successful and he has been to a large extent, he will set progressives back decades

Knowing that the chalice of power was at their lips only to have it ripped away has led the left to lash out.

Time was the left was opposed to illegal immigration, but now they are desperate. They have given up on trying to convince Americans that their way is the best way. They are now going to import people they believe will vote for them and they try to dupe RINOS into helping them do it.

That is why NeverTrumpers are just as evil as leftists in my book. Either they are in bed with them which is bad. Or they are just too stupid to realize how they are being used and that is worse.

Keep up the fight. Vote