Why the left hates Scalia


It is simple really. They hate him because he was grounded in principle. He believe the Constitution should be interpreted as written, not how we desire things to be. He didn't believe judges should do mental gymnastics in order to make rulings fit popular opinion. For example with Obamacare, it was clear during the debates and in the text that it was a PENALTY for not buying Obamacare a clear violation of the US Constitution. However, when caught and knowing that they would never be able to pass that kind of legislation again, the administration decided to call it a tax even though the text in the legislation did not call it a tax. And then Roberts came along and did a little legal jujitsu and voila what was a penalty is now a tax. Now Roberts is loved by leftists because they got the outcome they wanted.

Scalia is reviled by the left because his unwavering commitment to the truth and principle meant that government growth would be constrained and we know that with liberals their entire lives revolve around gobblement intervention (except the murder of an unborn baby of course)
I heard a new story today. He actually recommended kagan to axelrod and obama. He obv knew they weren't going to choose a conservative, but he still wanted someone he thought was razor sharp. He actually cared about the prestige of the court itself. Just like that other story where he'd give ginsberg his dissenting opinion in advance to make her own arguments better.

I seriously cannot imagine a liberal judge going to a republican president and suggesting to nominate one of the smartest conservative judges. They would never do that.

Scalia truly cared about this country and our system and he took his oath to the constitution very seriously. He was one of a kind in that regard.