APP - Why the left is getting even more extreme about abortion

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Long gone are the days where Bill Clinton said he wanted abortion to be "safe, legal and RARE". Of course I always laughed at that statement because and abortion is never really safe for the live baby being murdered. But, I digress.

It is hard not to notice that the left has gotten even more extreme on abortion. Not only do they support abortion, but they are advocating for infanticide. This at a time when polling is going against abortion. Now, why would they do that?

Well, it is simple. Abortion is BIG money to the left. Planned Parenthood has made billions killing babies. Their business is killing babies. Don't listen to the lies about the "number of visits". Their money is made killing babies. Like any business, they seek to grow their business and abortion numbers have gone down. There are only so many abortions one can conduct on women who are less than 12 weeks pregnant. So like any business, they seek to grow the market. Obviously, they can't expand into the male species. So they need more women who are further along in their pregnancy. It is a basic business practice, but to do so they need lying politicians to codify this murder into law. Hence the rush to legalize infanticide.

The other reason is that they know that public opinion is turning against them on the issue, so they are rushing to get as much locked into law as possible. Movies like Gosnell and Unplanned are changing peoples minds about abortion. The Millennials are not pro abortion like a generation before because of science and because they know that it is a life they are taking.

Read the story of the millennial behind Unplanned. If you haven't seen it. Go see it.