APP - Why the left is so panicked

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I have always maintained that the left is scared of Trump winning re-election in 2020. That isn't entirely accurate.

Yes, they are afraid of him winning, but what really frightens them is that he will win so convincingly that they will be left out in the cold and he will have a massive mandate to move forward and he won't be like any other second term President.

They know they can't keep Ginsberg alive for another four years. They will lose the Supreme Court for a generation.

They won't be able to blame Russian Collusion or Ukrainian Collusion.

They are doing everything they can to try to get Republican Senators to turn on him. Make no mistake, they want to, but as long as Trump enjoys 90% approval amongst Republican voters no Republican Senator is going to immolate themselves for the left.

So just watch the theatrics and enjoy them