Why the Left think they are better


Because they're incompetent. Incompetence tends to make people who are self-confident about everything. There have been numerous studies that show this. It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect


This is why the Left continues to push for things that have been repeatedly, and clearly, proven unworkable and destructive to society. Yet, the Left thinks that they are the brilliant ones in society and that those that have opposing ideas are idiots. It is the Dunning-Kruger Effect in full display.
People who aren't incompetent recognize they have shortcomings and don't have all the answers. They are not so self-assured as the Left is about what needs doing or how it should be done.
The more intelligent and productive of the Left eventually grow out of this phase sometime late in youth. The rest of the Left plods on through life never getting that their incompetence makes it impossible to see their incompetence so they continue to do the same failed stuff in the same failed way over and over.
Intelligence and incompetence are not complementary. That is, you can be incompetent and dumb as a house brick and you can be truly brilliant and be utterly incompetent just as easily.
This also isn't limited to the Left, but the Left seems to have a much greater concentration of incompetence than the rest of society.

Because they're incompetent. Incompetence tends to make people who are self-confident about everything. There have been numerous studies that show this. It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect


This is why the Left continues to push for things that have been repeatedly, and clearly, proven unworkable and destructive to society. Yet, the Left thinks that they are the brilliant ones in society and that those that have opposing ideas are idiots. It is the Dunning-Kruger Effect in full display.
People who aren't incompetent recognize they have shortcomings and don't have all the answers. They are not so self-assured as the Left is about what needs doing or how it should be done.
The more intelligent and productive of the Left eventually grow out of this phase sometime late in youth. The rest of the Left plods on through life never getting that their incompetence makes it impossible to see their incompetence so they continue to do the same failed stuff in the same failed way over and over.
Intelligence and incompetence are not complementary. That is, you can be incompetent and dumb as a house brick and you can be truly brilliant and be utterly incompetent just as easily.
This also isn't limited to the Left, but the Left seems to have a much greater concentration of incompetence than the rest of society.
Projection at it’s finest.
Projection at it’s finest.

Then explain why the Left continues to push for Socialism and Communism as political and economic systems when both have long demonstrated histories of failure. Explain their predilection for things like endless welfare when that has been demonstrated to be nothing but destructive to society.

Hell, explain the New Green Deal that's chock-a-block with failed ideas and policy yet the Left continues to push it.

The Left is rife with incompetence.

Because they're incompetent. Incompetence tends to make people who are self-confident about everything. There have been numerous studies that show this. It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect


This is why the Left continues to push for things that have been repeatedly, and clearly, proven unworkable and destructive to society. Yet, the Left thinks that they are the brilliant ones in society and that those that have opposing ideas are idiots. It is the Dunning-Kruger Effect in full display.
People who aren't incompetent recognize they have shortcomings and don't have all the answers. They are not so self-assured as the Left is about what needs doing or how it should be done.
The more intelligent and productive of the Left eventually grow out of this phase sometime late in youth. The rest of the Left plods on through life never getting that their incompetence makes it impossible to see their incompetence so they continue to do the same failed stuff in the same failed way over and over.
Intelligence and incompetence are not complementary. That is, you can be incompetent and dumb as a house brick and you can be truly brilliant and be utterly incompetent just as easily.
This also isn't limited to the Left, but the Left seems to have a much greater concentration of incompetence than the rest of society.

Apparently you've got your share of problems with the Dunning–Kruger effect, if you truly believe the half baked tripe that you post.
Peter Hitchens speaks from personal experience as he was a Troskyist in the 60s.

Really?? SO it was the left that drove out the mothers into the work force.. Not capitalism & the need for both parents to work now in order to put food on the table.........(:

Well the lefties in London look down their nose @ him for his views on capital punishment differs how from righties here looking down their nose @ others for issues such as guns, abortion etc??

The problem dear fellow is not politics, it's ppl............. Ppl look down their noses @ others because they wanna think their right, their better etc etc etc.....

My two cents anywayz........