APP - Why the left will lose the gun debate

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
It is pretty predictable that whenever some tragedy like Friday happens, left wingers will run out and call for controlling the freedoms of others because of one lone nut job. They haven't learned that they will always lose the argument and here are the reasons why.

1) They don't even understand basic terminology which makes it impossible to have a rational debate. They use terms like "assault weapon" and "clip" and "military style weapons" in an effort to gin up fear and angst, but all they do is show a complete lack of understanding of guns and how they really work

2) They lie about their true intentions. Despite what they say, the hate the 2nd Amendment. They really want an Australia style ban. If given the chance they would repeal the 2nd Amendment. Any liberal that tells you otherwise is lying to you. They know they are lying

3) They only really ever bring this up during a tragedy. You won't see them make this a campaign issue in 2018. They never do and never will because they know they would get slaughtered at the polls.

4) They never look at the real root causes of these tragedies like video games, poor parenting, high divorce rates etc. Nope, it is the gun

5) They aren't really willing to do what it takes to get to their end game. This is one issue where their opposition has drawn a clear and distinct line in the sand and said NO. Liberals know that it would cause a civil war if they tried to disarm America and they just aren't willing to give up their own lives because they really don't care that much.

For these reasons the left will always lose this argument. So let them come on here for a few days and wring their hands. They will forget about it in a couple of days like they forgot about Sandy Hook and Puerto Rico and Russian Collusion and get back to their Trump bashing ways.