APP - Why the left wing is REALLY freaking out about the Fourteenth Amendment

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
The left has been really going off the rails over President Trumps announcement that he would end Birth Right Citizenship with the stroke of a pen. Now it is fair to say that the left goes off the rails on just about EVERYTHING he does. But, I believe there is a deeper reason for their unhinged attitude about it and it isn't just about anchor babies. I believe that it is all about abortion.

Remember, abortion is everything to leftists. It is the Alpha the Omega and everything in between. So why is the 14th Amendment all about abortion and let's face it other left wing causes?

Simple, in 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court stated the legal basis for abortion. According to the Supreme Court, the constitutional right to an abortion exists because of the Fourteenth Amendment. Sandra Day O'Connor in one of her worst decisions ever said that the word abortion could be substituted for the word liberty in the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This in a sense makes the Fourteenth Amendment the Abortion Amendment. When Roe was decided in 1971 they really didn't state what the legal basis was. That wasn't until 1992.

That's not all

In 1962, the Fourteenth Amendment was used to ban all vocal prayer during classroom time in the public schools. This occurred in the Engel v. Vitale case.

In 1963, the Fourteenth Amendment was used again in the following year to remove the Bible as a text to teach moral values to public school students.

In 1987, the National School Board ruled that only Charles Darwin's theory of evolution was a proper subject for the public school curriculum.

In 2003, the Fourteenth Amendment became the National Sodomy Amendment in the Lawrence v Texas case

in 2015, the US Supreme Court gave us gay marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges by you guessed it using the Fourteenth Amendment and the "due process" clause and "equal protection" clause.

So in short an Amendment designed to undo democrat party behaviors related to slavery is now being used to undermine the fabric of American life.

The fight over the 14th Amendment will not just be about anchor babies as important as that is. The left does not want anyone pulling at the thread of that Amendment for fear it could unravel decades of judicial fights that have hinged on that one Amendment. Take away the 14th Amendment and you say good bye to bans on prayer in school, abortion, gay marriage and sodomy. They left can't allow that.
The right is attached to the 14th now with Heller. Basically all application of second amendment at the national level relies on it. Hell they're actually probably going to mandate concealed carry nationwide now. Not going to happy if you don't have the 14th.

Thomas, who's like the most arch-conservative justice, tried to rely on weird logic outside the 14th, but all the other conservative justices including Scalia went with substantive due process.
In 1987, the National School Board ruled that only Charles Darwin's theory of evolution was a proper subject for the public school curriculum.

It ruled that you couldn't teach "creation science", leaving evolution as the only alternative. Tbh biology almost entirely hinges on evolution, it is difficult to see the subject without Darwin. So basically the only way to avoid teaching evolution is to not teach biology. Or teach like a weird pseudo-biology which is just memorizing plant names and stuff and pretending that nothing is related.
Sandra Day O'Connor in one of her worst decisions ever said that the word abortion could be substituted for the word liberty in the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This in a sense makes the Fourteenth Amendment the Abortion Amendment.

What crime has a woman committed who is pregnant? It seems pretty absurd to say that people have due process of law if you're forcing a woman who has committed no crime to carry against her will.