APP - Why the media isn't trusted anymore


Former Vice President
Let's review two events from the last three months

Steve Scalise and fellow Republicans were shot at during practice for a Congressional softball game by a left wing Bernie supporter

A protest this weekend where a girl died in Charlottesville VA

The media couldn't get the Scalise shooting off the pages and TV news fast enough. They literally only reported on it for one or two days

This weekends events? Well, we get wall to wall 24 hour coverage for three days and probably will through the rest of the week.

We will be treated to the words "unprecedented" and "defining moment for the White House" and "the worst week of his Presidency" this week

But, nobody is talking about Russia and N. Korea anymore so I guess that is something
I've paid no attention to the Charlottesville thing, even though it's geographically close. Aside from the statue removing BS it has no bearing on national events.
I find it telling that the WaPo ran a story about "the Violent Left" and still everyone is OK with the left initiating violence against those they dislike. Seems they call it "antifa" as in anti fascists when in fact all it is is fascist behavior.
And its looking like Charlottesville basically ignored the mess while the out of staters made their passion play. Except the girl who should have stayed home as she wasn't trained at this and got run over. The two dead cops are McAuliffs fault.
But all anyone wants to hear is nazis are bad.
Its interesting that McAuliffe pointed out that despite being heavily armed, not one shot was fired.
Now just who was being responsible ?
I find it telling that the WaPo ran a story about "the Violent Left" and still everyone is OK with the left initiating violence against those they dislike. Seems they call it "antifa" as in anti fascists when in fact all it is is fascist behavior.
And its looking like Charlottesville basically ignored the mess while the out of staters made their passion play. Except the girl who should have stayed home as she wasn't trained at this and got run over. The two dead cops are McAuliffs fault.
But all anyone wants to hear is nazis are bad.
Its interesting that McAuliffe pointed out that despite being heavily armed, not one shot was fired.
Now just who was being responsible ?

Make no mistake this is all planned to gin up resentment. We see it from TTQ and BAC. They have had bottled up resentment spilled forth on this forum for years now. The left is stoking division and rancor. It is what they do. Leftism is a cancer on society.