Why The Redsox suck

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Though they do well batting for average and can score runs, they can't hit for power, particularly in the clutch, their pitching staff is weak, thin and lacks depth, gives up far to many walks and can't strike out opposing batters. In the field they are probably the worst defensive team in the junior league as they practically lead the AL in errors.

So far they've amassed most of their wins by pilling up wins on weak sister competition but are consistantly losing to superior teams. It's just a matter of time before they choke and lose first place to the Yankees. Which is probably as it ought to be. It's really a huge measure of just how weak the AL East is that this joke of a team is in first place.
Though they do well batting for average and can score runs, they can't hit for power, particularly in the clutch, their pitching staff is weak, thin and lacks depth, gives up far to many walks and can't strike out opposing batters. In the field they are probably the worst defensive team in the junior league as they practically lead the AL in errors.

So far they've amassed most of their wins by pilling up wins on weak sister competition but are consistantly losing to superior teams. It's just a matter of time before they choke and lose first place to the Yankees. Which is probably as it ought to be. It's really a huge measure of just how weak the AL East is that this joke of a team is in first place.

Probably because they're from Boston and Boston is in Massachusetts. :)
What do you mean, "junior league," Mott. The NL forfeited the 1903 world series, which tells me the AL has always been the senior league.

Rana, I sympathize. Baseball lost a lot of people after the 1994 season, and deservedly so. I wish God would have smitted the leaders of the PA for that.
What do you mean, "junior league," Mott. The NL forfeited the 1903 world series, which tells me the AL has always been the senior league.

Rana, I sympathize. Baseball lost a lot of people after the 1994 season, and deservedly so. I wish God would have smitted the leaders of the PA for that.
What do you mean, "junior league," Mott. The NL forfeited the 1903 world series, which tells me the AL has always been the senior league.

Rana, I sympathize. Baseball lost a lot of people after the 1994 season, and deservedly so. I wish God would have smitted the leaders of the PA for that.
You newcomers and your astro-turf and designated hitter have no respect for tradition!