Why wasn't this the first thing I heard on TV last night?


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US 'import alert' on China food

US authorities have issued a nationwide "import alert" for Chinese-made food products in the wake of the melamine contamination scandal.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had already issued an alert warning Americans not to consume Chinese products containing milk.

Thousands of Chinese have been poisoned this year.

The latest alert goes beyond dairy products to such items as drinks, sweets, and baby and pet food.

More at link...

I guess it is true that they are trying to kill us.
Money will get people to fuck other people up.

There just has to be checks and balances and good regulation on all products entering our markets.

It was just insane to just Trust China to do it themselves.
China in conjunction with US coprorations importing the tainted products.

US corporations are eager to destroy the USA as long as there is a profit in it.

It would be protectionism to put tariffs on them b/c you're in big businesses pockets and they want their goods protected at the detriment of the consumer.

Actually, protectionism can also help american workers, because slave labor cannot price them out of the market. Globalization = race to the bottom.
Yeah but you fogot the new world order which is going to put in place universal labor protections.

I'll believe it when I see it. Plus, standards mean nothing when they're not followed, and compliance is lied about. It's not official china policy to poison the world, but they do it anyway.
I'll believe it when I see it. Plus, standards mean nothing when they're not followed, and compliance is lied about. It's not official china policy to poison the world, but they do it anyway.
I think it is official Chinese policy to poison us. I think it was a mistake that their own kids got the tainted formula.
I think it is official Chinese policy to poison us. I think it was a mistake that their own kids got the tainted formula.

Or --- on a more serious note, it was horrendous corruption on the part of the companies' (executive?) that led to this situation. In order to make it appear that they had increased milk production, they diluted the milk and then added the melamine because it reads high for protein in the assay. Melamine, unfortunately, can lead to kidney failure or several conditions in between severe kidney stones and failure.

The melamine has now been found in products beyond milk products (which included powdered milk products, those that eventually were used in candy and such), to eggs and several other products.

Unfortunately, this has been going on for some time. The FDA couldn't step in immediately to start testing of these products; they had to go through several legal steps to do so to make sure the authority was firm. In light of this current situation, I'd really like to see that process streamlined.
Or --- on a more serious note, it was horrendous corruption on the part of the companies' (executive?) that led to this situation. In order to make it appear that they had increased milk production, they diluted the milk and then added the melamine because it reads high for protein in the assay. Melamine, unfortunately, can lead to kidney failure or several conditions in between severe kidney stones and failure.

The melamine has now been found in products beyond milk products (which included powdered milk products, those that eventually were used in candy and such), to eggs and several other products.

Unfortunately, this has been going on for some time. The FDA couldn't step in immediately to start testing of these products; they had to go through several legal steps to do so to make sure the authority was firm. In light of this current situation, I'd really like to see that process streamlined.

How long exactly have they been putting this chemical into things? It's popping up everywhere.