Why won't the Republicans debate the war ?

Because I have nothing to debate. I was against the war because it was never declared long before it was popular to be against the war.
I was against the war before we even invaded.
I was very unpopular at the time too.

but I really did not give a rats ass :D
Are you talking about people who post here or Repubs in congress? If you are talking about Congress .. have you ever heard of Chuck Hagel?

Look it .. back in 2002 I was a supporter and I make no bones about it. I pretty much supported the administration and the cause for a couple of years thereafter .. until it had become clear that there was no defined purpose for being there doing what we were supposed to be doing. There was/is no purpose of certainty. Whenever I challange a Bush supporter to come up with an answer with clear certainty for this Wars being.. all I get is dead silence.. because they cant. Therefore a War without certainty is not a War worth fighting .... thats my take..., this is where I stand.
Yep I pretty much agree Klaatu, one cannot support the unsupportable, so they (congress) are just hoping it will go away....
I thought I heard all this talk of bipartisanship....

If you're talking about the filibuster in the senate, my guess is that the GOP senators are still mostly interested in providing cover for a President with a 30% approval rating.
No I was commenting on their vote not to debate any iraq war resoloutions.
Teh dems seem to want to open it to open debate, the Repubs run down the stairways.
It is part of their debate. If their reasoning is valid and such a vote would prove to the enemy that their tactics are working and thus enable them, stopping such "debate" would be a valid tactic to end such.

Suggesting that their action is a not action in a debate is simply spin.
Everything you do is an action, especially in government. If Bush does nothing on the border, it is an action. So yes, in this case they are taking an active part on their side of the debate. They believe that the debate itself can cause harm to the effort, thus shutting it down is remaining true to that belief.

It is spin to suggest that they haven't made that point and that their action is just some sort of protest. They have made their point clear. I don't agree with it, nobody seems to be arguing the Declaration angle...

I understand their point. In Class 4 warfare your objective is to get the other side into just such a debate.
To me it is the same old unpopular undeclared war in a democracy situation. And partisans supporting their party.
Senate republicans sponsored non-binding resolutions in the 1990s, oppossing deployment of US troops to Bosnia. I don't recall them saying it would hurt troop moral, or US prestige then.
This now is just a partisan thing, and many will pay for higching their wagon to Bush. Just did the hole deeper, right, you can bury yourselves in it ;)
Senate republicans sponsored non-binding resolutions in the 1990s, oppossing deployment of US troops to Bosnia. I don't recall them saying it would hurt troop moral, or US prestige then.
However, if they are true to their argument in this case their action is exactly following that.

They also were against nation-building then... The world changes. Sometimes for the worse.

Undeclared wars should always be avoided, they end like this all the time.
Bush was against nation building too, unless of course he lied :rolleyes:

It was one of the things that enabled me to vote for him the first time. The whole 9/11 changed things angle is what caused me not to vote for him the second time.