APP - Why won’t women stand up?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Has the trans lobby been so successful at bullying people that women won’t stand up for girls being forced to compete against physically superior males in sports?

All of the strides women have made to become top athletes are at risk of being lost because too many women are sit on their hands afraid of being transphobic.

Can anyone give one good reason why females should be allowed to compete with males?
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Has the trans lobby been so successful at bullying people that women won’t stand up for girls being forced to compete against physically superior males in sports?

All of the strides women have made to become top athletes are at risk of being lost because too many women are sit on their hands afraid of being transphobic.

Can anyone give one good reason why females should be allowed to compete with males?

A few women have "stood up" to the bullying, and they were bullied some more.



The DEMOCRAT-controlled House of Representatives voted Friday 236-173 in favor of the Equality Act, which would require schools to include male athletes who identify as transgender girls on female sports teams.

Republican Florida Rep. Greg Steube introduced a last-minute amendment to the bill that would have preserved Title IX’s protections of female athletic teams, but DEMOCRATS rejected it.

Every House DEMOCRAT but one co-sponsored the legislation. The only DEMOCRAT who wasn’t a co-sponsor, Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, announced his support for the bill following pressure from left-wing activists.

Three former elite female athletes, Doriane Coleman, Martina Navratilova and Sanya Richards-Ross, warned that the Equality Act would wreak havoc on women’s sports in an April 29 Washington Post op-ed.

“The legislation would make it unlawful to differentiate among girls and women in sports on the basis of sex for any purpose. For example, a sports team couldn’t treat a transgender woman differently from a woman who is not transgender on the grounds that the former is male-bodied,” the former athletes wrote. “Yet the reality is that putting male- and female-bodied athletes together is co-ed or open sport. And in open sport, females lose,” the three women warned.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, a DEMOCRAT from New York, insisted the bill wouldn’t put female athletes at a disadvantage.

“Many states have sexual orientation and gender identity nondiscrimination laws, and all of them still have women’s sports. Arguments about transgender athletes participating in sports in accordance with their gender identity having competitive advantages have not been borne out,” Nadler said.

In Connecticut, one of the states to which Nadler was referring, two male runners have dominated girls’ high school track. A female competitor called the male runners’ advantage “demoralizing.”
Doesnt say compete does it...

"The purpose of this resource is to provide guidance to NCAA athletic programs about how to ensure transgender student-athletes fair, respectful, and legal access to collegiate sports teams based on current medical and legal
knowledge. It provides best practice and policy recommendations for intercollegiate athletic programs to provide transgender student-athletes with fair and equal opportunities to participate. In addition to specific policy recommendations for college athletics, the resource provides guidance for implementing these policies to ensure the safety,
privacy, and dignity of transgender student-athletes as well as their teammates
Any male who dresses up and pretends to be female has a mental deficiency.

I think sometimes that discussions like this belong in another sub category. But there is disagreement among women over trans issues. Personally I say live and let live so long as it hurts no one. But complexity confuses some and slippery slopes are everywhere.

'For Harrison Massie, transitioning from female to male was never about trading one gender for another.'

'Is Sex Socially Constructed? Examining the arguments'

"Homosexuals are not interested in making other people homosexuals. Homophobes are interested in making other people homophobes." Stephen Fry
I think sometimes that discussions like this belong in another sub category. But there is disagreement among women over trans issues. Personally I say live and let live so long as it hurts no one. But complexity confuses some and slippery slopes are everywhere.

'For Harrison Massie, transitioning from female to male was never about trading one gender for another.'

'Is Sex Socially Constructed? Examining the arguments'

"Homosexuals are not interested in making other people homosexuals. Homophobes are interested in making other people homophobes." Stephen Fry

You don't think a male competing in women's competition hurts anyone?
Women and girls forced to compete against men pretending to be "women" don't get any "adversity points," do they?
I think sometimes that discussions like this belong in another sub category. But there is disagreement among women over trans issues. Personally I say live and let live so long as it hurts no one. But complexity confuses some and slippery slopes are everywhere.

'For Harrison Massie, transitioning from female to male was never about trading one gender for another.'

'Is Sex Socially Constructed? Examining the arguments'

"Homosexuals are not interested in making other people homosexuals. Homophobes are interested in making other people homophobes." Stephen Fry

People born with male genitalia are not "female."