Why would anyone believe in outdated, Victorian-era nonsense like evolution?


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I can't see any reason why anyone other than an old geezer or totally uncool person would still believe this outdated, plagiarized 19th century nonsense, not to mention a total pussy and bitch, who needs to be 'told' what to believe by some irrelevant cranks and idiots who don't know what they're talking about.

All the evidence is that evolutionary thought has been around since the pagan times, Darwin was just a likely plagiarist who bastardized an ancient theory of speculation from ancient cultures and superior contemporaries (I mean, seriously - what are the odds that something which had been discussed since the days of ancient Greece and India was independently discovered by one outdated Victorian-English crank - it's complete invented, fabricated, plagiarized made-up bullshit, much like claiming that mythology related to "virgin births" had never existed outside of the Bible).

The reason you believe it is because you were 'told', taught, or tour aged that nonsense, and because you're a weak little bitch who needs a quasi-"sky daddy" who peddles some archaic historical mythos which is completely untrue, fabricated, and just promoted to gullible and unintelligent little idiots and weaklings who need some weak, pathetic comforting, "feel-good" rubbish to believe in to justify their own worthless little existances.

The reality is, you were indoctrinated and taught this garbage by culture, you didn't discover it through nature as actual thinkers or "scientists" did - most of the stuff you believe about it is bullshit, based on oudated 19th century information spoon fed to you at what pathetic little 6th grade level of reading and comprehension is.

In actuality, you were lied to and misinformed by idiots who merely peddled this to you for their own agendas, money, or other nonsense - and the average loser who's arrested at a paltry 6th grade reading level (as opposed to a post-graduate MENSA level like myself) would believe the earth was flat or that the moon is made of cheese if some ugly, sexually-repulse freak of nature identifying with the buzzwords "science" or "scientists" told you it was so.

Most of what you believe about "science" (as in the arguably outdated natural sciences established in the 16th century by Francis Bacon) has more in common with X-men or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles than anything else.

You believe it because you're a defective, hideous evolutionarily weakling who has less of a chance of reproducing than the average ape or Neanderthal - it's no shocker that ugly and freakish types of "people" are usually the ones most obsessed with "evolution", such as Incels, ugly mofos, and other dreck who are less skilled at natural selection than the average ape, and have no redeeming skills or qualities whatsoever than rote calcuation which would be better automated by a computer script.

(This is what the average low-level "scientist" or worker in a "science" industry is, nothing other than an outdated, defective calculator made of flesh, and less evolutionarily successful when it comes to "natural selection" than the average rapper is).

So whatever grains of knowledge about 'evolution' are "true", it doesn't mean jack in the real world anyway, and most of the time you'd be more evolutionarily successful by NOT believing that ugly, outdated nonsense, since it seems to lower your chances of mating or natural selection the more you pretend to "believe" in it, whatever that means.

(Just compare the average trash forum dominated by overweight, creepy, incels and anime-porn afficiandos and see how much more talk about "evolution" there is there than pretty much anywhere were aesthetically appealing or remotely well-adjusted normal men and women hang out - I say this as a guy who's banged over 20 women, a lot of them hot, and who's had strippers give me free lap dances because of how hot I am; not believing in "evolution" did more to enhance my 'natural selectiveness' than anything else).

Now go wack off to your anime porn and pretend that your mythical, nonsensical "science" or "evolution cares for your ugly, sexless existences, when in reality you'd be better off to natural selection or so-called "social Darwinist" bullshit dead than alive, so the aesthetically pleasing members of the "species" wouldn't have to look at you or smell you.
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