Why would God give life meaning?


Why would an omniscient being running a science experiment give life meaning? Is it that when you die you're going to go to a place where he constantly pumps up the pleasure chemicals in your brain? How is that meaningful?
Why do you presume to know anything at all about God? Do you have some mental image of a strong-faced giant with a white beard and wearing a white robe, who speaks with a commanding 'Charlton Heston' voice? Do you imagine he may live on a cloud, with angels flying around and playing golden harps?

Where do you make the assumption God is a "he" or a "being" of any kind, much less an omniscient one? Why do you assume a science experiment is being conducted, or that God would have any reason to assign mortal concepts of 'meaning' to life? Why would you assume you would even have a brain or any physical characteristic after you die?

...You don't even have a fully developed brain, and you're alive!
Why do you presume to know anything at all about God? Do you have some mental image of a strong-faced giant with a white beard and wearing a white robe, who speaks with a commanding 'Charlton Heston' voice? Do you imagine he may live on a cloud, with angels flying around and playing golden harps?

Where do you make the assumption God is a "he" or a "being" of any kind, much less an omniscient one? Why do you assume a science experiment is being conducted, or that God would have any reason to assign mortal concepts of 'meaning' to life? Why would you assume you would even have a brain or any physical characteristic after you die?

...You don't even have a fully developed brain, and you're alive!

It is irrelevant what God looks like. He's omnipowerful so he could take any form and live in any place or all places or no place.

I assume that I would have physical characteristics because you Christians say it would be a good place to be, and you say its a good place to be because the bible leads you to believe it will satisfy the pleasure chemicals in your brain.

I am not assuming a "science experiment" is being conducted. I'm mocking you. If someone were all powerful the last thing they'd think of doing is to create specific arrangements of matter that tend to create more pieces of matter in their arrangement, and to come to Earth and promise them that if they believe in you then when they fail to be able to maintain their specific arrangement of matter any longer their soul will fly up into heaven where the drives that the have that encourage them to make more pieces of matter like themselves will always be eternally and pointlessly satisfied.

Why would an omnipowerful God have meaning, Dixie? Wouldn't being all powerful nullify everything out? If you have all power over everything, you wouldn't have any power. There would be no point in doing anything.
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It is irrelevant what God looks like. He's omnipowerful so he could take any form and live in any place or all places or no place.

What bestowed this wisdom upon you? Omnipotence is a human concept, how do you conclude God conforms to any human concept?

I assume that I would have physical characteristics because you Christians say it would be a good place to be, and you say its a good place to be because the bible leads you to believe it will satisfy the pleasure chemicals in your brain.

I've been around Christians all my life, and I have never heard this idea of physical existence after death or satisfaction of pleasure chemicals in the brain. To the best of my understanding, your brain and body deteriorate and rot after you die. When you say "you Christians" it isn't referring to me, I am not Christian, I am a Spiritualist. Still, I have studied Christianity, and it doesn't indicate physical existence after death, it speaks of spiritual existence. Certainly you are smart enough to know the distinction between the two.

I am not assuming a "science experiment" is being conducted. I'm mocking you. If someone were all powerful the last thing they'd think of doing is to create specific arrangements of matter that tend to create more pieces of matter in their arrangement, and to come to Earth and promise them that if they believe in you then when they fail to be able to maintain their specific arrangement of matter any longer their soul will fly up into heaven where the drives that the have that encourage them to make more pieces of matter like themselves will always be eternally and pointlessly satisfied.

It's impossible for a "someone" to be omnipotent. You are correct, if a "someone" did hold these powers, it would be downright silly to think or do anything like you have described. However, nothing you have articulated in this paragraph, has anything to do with God or belief in a God.

Why would an omnipowerful God have meaning, Dixie? Wouldn't being all powerful nullify everything out? If you have all power over everything, you wouldn't have any power. There would be no point in doing anything.

Again, you are attempting to apply human logic and concepts to God. You are trying to conceptualize God in human aspects, with human emotions and expectations. You have made a bunch of rash assumptions, based on misconceptions and fallacies you have created yourself, because you want to find a reason to rationalize your disbelief. For example, who said God has meaning? Who said God has to have a creator? Who said God has to have a point in doing anything? You are applying your own rationality to God, and you ain't God, so how would you possibly know or understand?

Here's the thing, and you can take it for what it's worth. For some unexplained reason, mankind has always had a propensity to worship something greater than self. We are born with this instinct, and have apparently had this 'faith' for as long as man has existed. There have been wars fought over it, millions have died as martyrs for their belief in faith, men have been persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and killed, for their beliefs in faith, and science has constantly attempted to explain it, but it continues to persist in mankind, like a fire burning inside of us. It simply can't be extinguished because it is a part of who we are as a species. You even feel a compulsion to post inquisitive threads about it, even though you claim disbelief. Apparently, it's as important to you as the rest of us. I don't proclaim to know the reasons for this, and neither do you, but suffice it to say, there has to be one. The most logical explanation I can imagine, would be that something greater than self does exist, or did exist at some time, and it instilled this belief in faith within us all.

You are free to believe what you want to, I am not here to 'change your mind' or make you 'see the light' or convert you to my way of thinking. But it is highly irrational to simply dismiss what is evident. It's unreasonable to conclude God doesn't exist, can't exist, or hasn't existed. And then, there is the question of the human concept of "existence" and what that means.... can a spiritual entity "exist" or is it just present?
It's impossible for a "someone" to be omnipotent.

You don't believe in God? Good. Now we can end these debates.
You are correct, if a "someone" did hold these powers, it would be downright silly to think or do anything like you have described. However, nothing you have articulated in this paragraph, has anything to do with God or belief in a God.

That's what you believe Dixie, and it's the silliest thing imaginable.
Again, you are attempting to apply human logic and concepts to God.


It doesn't take a physics degree to know why a gOD would be the silliest thing imaginable. This is like justifying your inability to solve the equation 2 + 2 by saying "You are attempting to apply human logic and concepts to this equation..."
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Finding meaning in your life is all in your head. It has nothing to do with reality or the physical universe.

It doesn't take a physics degree to know why a gOD would be the silliest thing imaginable. This is like justifying your inability to solve the equation 2 + 2 by saying "You are attempting to apply human logic and concepts to this equation..."

No, because math is a human logic and concept. God is something else. You are an idiot and a moron, and you prove one doesn't need a physics degree to disbelieve God, you just need to be retarded.
Finding meaning in your life is all in your head. It has nothing to do with reality or the physical universe.

You can't create meaning from nothing.

What is meaning anyone?

How do you define meaning?

"What is the meaning of life?", has always seemed to me about as logical a question as "What is the meaning of a hamburger?"