Why would god want Americans to be led by an asshole ?


Why would god want Americans to be led by an asshole?:thinking:

This question came up in another thread & I was wondering what others thought about it??

Cared to answer??

Personally think it is a good question....

Orange Man Bad thread #456789876432345678905434567890.

Does it relieve a pressure in your head every time you post one? WTF? You fuckers never tire of SCREEEEing this shit every day, day in and day out.

guno alone starts 1-2 a day. Well, pretty sure he has a minimum requirement to get a check. What's your excuse?
Will you one day bitch about the folks on your team about it??

One thing we have in common, we post what we want, not what you would prefer.....

Now, you wanna add your 2cents to the OP??

Why would god want Americans to be led by an asshole?:thinking:

This question came up in another thread & I was wondering what others thought about it??

Cared to answer??

Personally think it is a good question....


The Religious types want to stack the Supreme Court with 'Religious types' that want to bring 'the Kingdom of God' to America. Think 'theocracy'.
God cares about your soul, not government.
Render unto Ceasar and all.

Its actually a good way to distinguish true and false religions. The false ones seek to be government. You know, like islam.
God cares about your soul, not government.
Render unto Ceasar and all.

Its actually a good way to distinguish true and false religions. The false ones seek to be government. You know, like islam.

Organized religion has pretty much always gone hand in hand w/ governments of all sorts...
Why would god want Americans to be led by an asshole?:thinking:

This question came up in another thread & I was wondering what others thought about it??

Cared to answer??

Personally think it is a good question....


Have you read the Bible? Yahweh is a bit of a dick.
God cares about your soul, not government.
Render unto Ceasar and all.

Its actually a good way to distinguish true and false religions. The false ones seek to be government. You know, like islam.

You know, like fundie and evangelistic Xtianity does in the U.S.
Why would god want Americans to be led by an asshole?:thinking:

This question came up in another thread & I was wondering what others thought about it??

Cared to answer??

Personally think it is a good question....


I'm curious as to why you think God thought Obama was a leader when he was really put in place to show us what NOT to do again.
Since I moved on park avenue. I turned into a complete idiot.


The tennent calls me To help with the table.
The tennant and his wife can do this by themselves.
I'm there with the handyman and the handyman is supervising me.
I don't want to be here. I'm here against my own will.
The tennant and his wife are watching.
We're done after two or three minutes.
The tennent hands me $2 and is looking at me and waiting for me to say thank you.
I'm F'n crazy!

Why would god want Americans to be led by an asshole?:thinking:

This question came up in another thread & I was wondering what others thought about it??

Cared to answer??

Personally think it is a good question....


We have been doing it for centuries now Wild Bill. That last couple of decades have been the worst.
Becki Falwell for Secretary of Education. :whoa:

She could teach those boys a thing or two.....
