Why would Russia want to help Bernie? The answer is really quite simple.


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With tRump, Putin has an egomaniac "mental midget" that can be easily manipulated. The North Korean leader proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt. As such, Putin likes tRump right where he is. Therefore, it would be a great benefit to Putin to help give tRump the candidate that tRump most wants to run against. That candidate is Sanders.

A hilarious side note is tRump's claim that he wasn't informed of the recent intel briefing about Russion election interference. Now, given the fact that the Sanders campaign was notified you can certainly bet that tRump was notified as well. Just more junk from the Pathological-Liar-In-Chief.
Russia bought into trump noise that Bernie will be the easiest to beat. They get trump in by helping Bernie win the primaries.
I would think the reason Russia might prefer Bernie would have more to do with a more rational reason -- the same rational reason they preferred Trump.

Trump campaigned as a candidate that was less interventionist. Bernie is the least interventionist Democrat running.

If it ends up being Trump vs. Bernie, whoever the victor is will be likely less interventionist than previous presidents. Trump has already been less interventionist than both Bush and Obama. He's been more interventionist than he campaigned on, but that's still less hawkish than the status quo was.

So yeah, Russia (and many other countries) has a good reason to support both Trump and Bernie.