Why your children and grandchildren will grow up Nationalist


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Thanks to the Information Age and social media, within a generation, Millennials and Gen Z will be converted to Nationalism.

Today, a single piece of Nationalist media or propaganda, such as a viral video, can potentially reach millions of audiences, rendering archaic "dinosaur" media outlets, such as radio, TV, film, and college and university media entirely obsolete. (No one but old people and sheltered kids heavily rely on this antiquated, 6th grade reading level media anymore, and haven't since at least the early 2000s for those idiots who haven't been living in a cave).

Likewise, idiots can fantasize about trying to "ban" the New Media market and Nationalism, but in reality, how well do you think THAT will work out? Tell me how well trying to ban video games and internet pornography worked out? Your futile and desperate attempts, like the last gasp of a dying animal won't have a snowball's chance in Hell of working)

(Under a truly nationalist state in which there is only one National media, One Church, and One Social Media for an entire Nation in North America and Western Europe, banning pornography may be feasible - but in the MEANTime, under our consumerist culture, you haven't a chance).

So much like Hitler said "He who controls the Youth controls the Future", as well as Lenin who promptly stated "Give us the child for 8 years, and it will be a Bolshevik forever". Rather, give us the child a generation and social media, and it will be a NATIONALIST forever.

Your children ultimately aren't "yours", they belong to NATION, to STATE, to CHURCH, to PARTY, who all individuals and families are SUBORDINATE to; they either conform to the new right-wing, nationalist movement or they'll be removed from the custody of their degenerate "parents" by gunpoint, and rightfully indoctrinated into the new NATIONALISM and GLOBAL nationalist - with all vestiges of liberalism, leftism, degeneracy, atheism, heresy, and other evils eliminated and wiped from the pages of history books forever, all schools and universities, and media outlets public, private or otherwise converted into nationalist media, education, and propaganda.

There will be only ONE PEOPLE, race, sex, and degenerate "diversity" be damned - all men and women of every race will become NATIONALISTS, much as how degenerates and subhumans of every race or sex will be PURGED. homosexuals and transgenders will be eliminated through genetic engineering or forced abortions, there will be no need for pogroms that the weak fear and dred, since their ilk will no longer EXIST to begin with. All ideologies, enlightenment, constitutional or otherwise, which promote VICE above VIRTUE, degenerate, selfish "individualism" and "diversity" above nation, party, and state, WEAKNESS above might, atheism above CHURCH, will be DESTROYED and smashed like the false and superstitious idols that they are. There will be no FREES PEACH, no "FREETHOUGHT", unless it conforms to NATIONALISM; dangerous, heretical, and subversive speach, thought and ideas will be moulded, censored, and conformed to the new NATIONALIST model, whether via secret police, surveillance, or any other expedient and effective method of SMASHING degenerate, decadent, traitorous, atheistic, leftist, or other varieties of blather, degenerate art, and wrongthink masquarading as "speech" to begin with, when the breying and bleeting of a goat has more right to exist than anything which a subhuman degenerate. heretic and traitor might pretend to call "speech" to begin with.

(The state and nation has no need for worthless and inferior "individuals" and evolutionarily defective refuse who are but a blight upon its existence and waste of nature's oxygen, they either CONFORM and SUBORDINATE themselves to nation, state, and party, or watch their fictitious and nonexistant "rights" they so childishly and naively cling to faithfully be DESTROYED at the barrel of a gun and political realism rearing its head; they'll find out the hard way, like children learning that Santa Claus is not real, that "rights" and said delusional fantasies only come out of the barrel of a GUN.

Much as any degenerate "Constitutional" rights which don't seve the interest of nation, state, or party can either be actively burned and DESTROYED with the iron fist of nationalism, or openly ignored, overthrown, and thwarted, as in the Night of the Long Knives, the Bolshevik revolution, or any other rise to power, or historical anedote in which the naive and superstititous, whos "rights" are but fictions and opiate of the masses, experience the iron fist of reality come CRASHING down on their delusions and of having any "rights" to begin with - a notion which all true elites and hierarchs merely chuckle and laugh at behind the scenes anyway, knowing that promoting the myth and fantasy of "rights" keeps idiots and superstitious useful and in order, but in reality, if said vermin have outlived their usefulness, they are, in reality nothing more than evolutionarily-defective refuse to be cast away and disgarded into the nearest gulag or DEATH CAMP, rightly purging the weak, stupid, iliterate, immoral, decadent, and inferior so that the strong, the virtuous, and the patriotic may instead live without the burden of their FREAKERY and pestilence
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This is just dumb trolling. Didn't you get the hint from the one mod about you trying too hard for this tiny audience?
Not to mention, there is no reason that degenerate blue states should have any states' rights - if this meant ending states rights entirely, so that a nationalist, single-party Federal government could force righteous rule on these traitors and subversives by gunpoint, then so be it. This is easily demonstrated by the fact the degenerate blue states have acted in sedition and segregation to their new President like the treasonous little rouge states they are (and yes, Trump may only be center to center-left, not a true right-wing nationalist, but he may pave the way for a true nationalist regime to take power).

Blue states are nothing but degenerate cesspools of barely-literate, ghetto-dwelling neanderthalic scourge who are the only reason the Democratic party is able to stay in business; this is why eliminating the popular vote entirely, or at least re-instating some measure of literacy tests or property ownership requirement for voting would be the the way that the new Nationalists should move forward in their war on the degenerate, the defective, the sub-literate, and sub-human sourge who plague our glorious nations.

It doesn't matter whether one invokes God, evolution, or any other metaphysical entity - they, as well as reality itself favor only the right, only the nationalists, those who oppose the Nationalist movement need to be cleansed and purged from the gene-pool like the archaic and subhuman refuse that they are. Human "rights" are only for those on the right side of history.