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You Leftists are dishonest to the core, and possess an incomprehensible arrogance. Democrats at every level of government are visiting wholesale destruction on our economy, our culture and our future. Biden and the democrats are spending trillions of dollars, drawing us into hyperinflation and unsustainable debt, or the freakish efforts of the LGBTQ educrats to proselytize, indoctrinate and impose horrific sex change surgeries on our children that have led to an unprecedented level of child suicide, the devastation is incalculable.
Is the rationale for deifying the LGBTQ agenda to curb population growth? Have Gay, lesbian and transgender people become the heroes of the environment because they are not part of the contemptible "breeders" crowd? Meanwhile, you Leftists promote open borders to bring millions into this country because our dwindling population doesn't provide you with the goods and services you want at prices you want. Your secret goal is to create another class of captive voters to facilitate even more Leftwing power.
Groups like BLM and Antifa provoke religious and racial tensions. These groups are financed and promoted by the professional Left in media, universities, foundations, Hollywood, and the political class--who then decry the "racist," "oppressive," "imperialistic," bad old USA. Meanwhile, every city and state run by Democrats rots from within.
Victory from almost every recent war, from Korea to Iraq and Afghanistan, has been sabotaged by Democrats--Afghanistan being only the latest horrific example.
Your relentless, destructive policies have combined to create a perfect storm of crisis. We are fed up with paying for the messes you have created. If you Leftists could isolate yourselves in cities and states where you alone would face the consequences you create, that would be fine with us. At the very least, remain in California, New York, Illinois and those other Democrat-controlled states currently visiting calamity on you.
Much more detail of the utter destruction to America by the Leftists inside the link.
Do any of you Leftists have the least bit of awareness of how and why tens of thousands of people are leaving the aforementioned cities and states, and are flocking to RED states like Texas and Florida? It ain't just because of the climate. The author of the aforementioned link didn't even go into the Leftists utter destructive policies concerning crime in those blue states and blue cities. Defund the police, no cash bail, District attorneys financed by George Soros et al, reduce prison sentences or free them all, give more support to the criminals than to the victims etc. Methinks its time for Lefty Nation to WAKE THE F**K UP!
Is the rationale for deifying the LGBTQ agenda to curb population growth? Have Gay, lesbian and transgender people become the heroes of the environment because they are not part of the contemptible "breeders" crowd? Meanwhile, you Leftists promote open borders to bring millions into this country because our dwindling population doesn't provide you with the goods and services you want at prices you want. Your secret goal is to create another class of captive voters to facilitate even more Leftwing power.
Groups like BLM and Antifa provoke religious and racial tensions. These groups are financed and promoted by the professional Left in media, universities, foundations, Hollywood, and the political class--who then decry the "racist," "oppressive," "imperialistic," bad old USA. Meanwhile, every city and state run by Democrats rots from within.
Victory from almost every recent war, from Korea to Iraq and Afghanistan, has been sabotaged by Democrats--Afghanistan being only the latest horrific example.
Your relentless, destructive policies have combined to create a perfect storm of crisis. We are fed up with paying for the messes you have created. If you Leftists could isolate yourselves in cities and states where you alone would face the consequences you create, that would be fine with us. At the very least, remain in California, New York, Illinois and those other Democrat-controlled states currently visiting calamity on you.
Much more detail of the utter destruction to America by the Leftists inside the link.
Do any of you Leftists have the least bit of awareness of how and why tens of thousands of people are leaving the aforementioned cities and states, and are flocking to RED states like Texas and Florida? It ain't just because of the climate. The author of the aforementioned link didn't even go into the Leftists utter destructive policies concerning crime in those blue states and blue cities. Defund the police, no cash bail, District attorneys financed by George Soros et al, reduce prison sentences or free them all, give more support to the criminals than to the victims etc. Methinks its time for Lefty Nation to WAKE THE F**K UP!