APP - Will COVID19 spell the end of globalism?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

All I am hearing now is that we need the federal gobblement to take over industries to make needed hospital supplies.

But, instead of pointing fingers at President Trump, which leftists invariably do, why aren't they asking the question of "HOW DID WE GET HERE?"

It wasn't President Trump who oversaw the move of our manufacturing base to China. It started with Bush 41 and Clinton and continued unabated with Bush 43 and Obama with the help of both sides of the aisle in Congress who likely lined their own pockets along the way as they sold out the country

Only President Trump raised alarm bells and was a voice those who saw their livelihoods stripped from them by the global elites.

This will end soon and when it does, there will be a day of reckoning for the globalists. They don't see it coming