Will domestic Rightwing terrorism increase, if Dems win in 2008?


Will work for Scooby snacks
If Dems win the presidency in 2008, and expand control of congress, will wingnuts go ballistic?

Will a Dem Win in 2008 Generate Rightwing Violence?

Sat Jun 02, 2007 at 11:53:11 PM PDT

Three bloggers - digby at Hullabaloo, David Neiwart at Orcinus and Rick Perlstein at the Campaign for America's Future - have recently been discussing a subject that needs a good deal more attention: the potential for outbreaks of rightwing violence if the Republicans, who have embraced outrageously violent talk in many forums, are booted out of power come November 2008.

Since 9/11, rightwing violence has gotten little media attention. Not because there hasn't been any. For instance, there was the bomb found April 25 at the Austin Women's Health Center in Austin, Texas. It didn't explode. But as Feministe pointed out:

Had that bomb been found outside a post office or a school, the headlines would have been hysterically running on about ZOMG TERRORISM TERRORISM IS AL QAEDA INVOLVED? And the right-wing warbloggers would be pissing their pants and hyperventilating about profiling Arabs and banning Muslims from public life and dhimmitude and how if they had been there, they’d have stopped it with their concealed carry and their extra-super special powers of righteousness, just like they saw in a movie once and BOMB IRAN! and 9/11 CHANGED EVERYTHING!!! but they still have better things to do than join the military, but they’ll be happy to go into the woods and hunt Russians and shout WOLVERINES!!

But it’s an abortion clinic, so. Ho-hum.

In other words, no press coverage to speak of.

As Perlstein noted:

If the media does not start connecting some dots, they will have abdicated their citizenship duties. How many times has the nation potentially come within a hair's breadth of suffering a right-wing terrorist attack this spring? As of today, three, or possibly six times - at least that we know about.

• Late in April, 150 federal, state, and local law enforcement officers carried out simultaneous raids in four Alabama counties in a sweep that yielded 130 grenades, a rocket launcher, and 2,500 rounds of ammunition.. In the town of Trussville, it took a U-haul truck to cart away all the materiel. At the Collinsville camper belonging to militia "major" Taymond Dillard, agents first had to defuse trip-wires rigged to explode hand grenades to kill intruders.

• Right-wing vigilantes arrested in a scuffle at one of the May 1 immigration marches, in Washington D.C., was found to have a stash of automatic weapons and explosives in his home.

• Now this, the violence allegedly thwarted at Falwell's funeral. One of the suspects is a soldier at Fort Benning - yes, he traveled all the way from Georgia with his munitions. Another was a high school student.

There could well be worse to come.

digby wrote:

I predict that we are going to see a remarkable resurgence of rightwing violence if the Democrats take full control of the government. These people are always surprisingly cooperative when the government is run by Republicans and then rediscover their "anti-government" beliefs when Democrats share or dominate the government. I can't imagine why that would be.

We will also, sadly, see veterans involved in this. Aside from the PTSD they will come home to a world that isn't very understanding. How could we be? They've been in hell. I suspect that some of them will be attracted to the rightwing militia (or worse) unless the government makes some very aggressive moves to help these people out and provide every kind of counselling and support they can think of. The last thing we need are hardened Iraq veterans finding solace with the rightwing terrorists.


This is rediculous hype....

If Dems win the presidency in 2008, and expand control of congress, will wingnuts go ballistic?

Will a Dem Win in 2008 Generate Rightwing Violence?

Sat Jun 02, 2007 at 11:53:11 PM PDT

Three bloggers - digby at Hullabaloo, David Neiwart at Orcinus and Rick Perlstein at the Campaign for America's Future - have recently been discussing a subject that needs a good deal more attention: the potential for outbreaks of rightwing violence if the Republicans, who have embraced outrageously violent talk in many forums, are booted out of power come November 2008.

Since 9/11, rightwing violence has gotten little media attention. Not because there hasn't been any. For instance, there was the bomb found April 25 at the Austin Women's Health Center in Austin, Texas. It didn't explode. But as Feministe pointed out:

But it’s an abortion clinic, so. Ho-hum.

In other words, no press coverage to speak of.

As Perlstein noted:

There could well be worse to come.

digby wrote:



nothing more...how many veterans dating back from WWII to the present are involved in radical behavoir??? Very few...and most of those are attached to the anti-war movement...but thats not to say any vet who is now anti-war would become viloent...this is just a backdoor diatribe trying to get support to coninue to recruit vets to the movement...sorry this won't work either...try again!
nothing more...how many veterans dating back from WWII to the present are involved in radical behavoir??? Very few...and most of those are attached to the anti-war movement...but thats not to say any vet who is now anti-war would become viloent...this is just a backdoor diatribe trying to get support to coninue to recruit vets to the movement...sorry this won't work either...try again!
How many people in general, from WWII to the present, have been involved with violent "radical" behavior? Very few . . . and most of those were not attached to any anti-war movement.

Statistically, combat veterans are prone to violence and often don't reassimilate into society very well. It's still a small proportion of combat vets who have such problems, certainly, but the point is that the proportion is still much higher than in the general population. There are a large number of reasons for this, I'm sure.

Since it's Sunday and I'm feeling more mellow than usual, I'll admit the obvious: combat vets often get screwed by the rest of us when they try to leave the services. This only agravates the problem, helping to create a small but significant pool of angry, bitter men with legitimate complaints against society.

Your computer will self-destruct five seconds after you try to quote the above, Beetle. ;)
I disagree...orno...

How many people in general, from WWII to the present, have been involved with violent "radical" behavior? Very few . . . and most of those were not attached to any anti-war movement.

Statistically, combat veterans are prone to violence and often don't reassimilate into society very well. It's still a small proportion of combat vets who have such problems, certainly, but the point is that the proportion is still much higher than in the general population. There are a large number of reasons for this, I'm sure.

Since it's Sunday and I'm feeling more mellow than usual, I'll admit the obvious: combat vets often get screwed by the rest of us when they try to leave the services. This only agravates the problem, helping to create a small but significant pool of angry, bitter men with legitimate complaints against society.

Your computer will self-destruct five seconds after you try to quote the above, Beetle. ;)

how about the likes of 'Charlie Manson' surely he was about as far from a vet as one can be...yet his violent behavior went beyond all normal expectations of human nature...just a thought!...Is this when my pc blows up...:tongout:
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how about the likes of 'Charlie Manson' surely he was about as far from a vet as one can be...yet his violent behavior went beyong all normal expextations of human nature...just a thought!...Is this when my pc blows up...:tongout:
No, not yet. I had a moment of weakness and put in a randomizing function: you'll never know in advance when it's going to happen.

You're doomed though. Count on it. :lock:
"I predict that we are going to see a remarkable resurgence of rightwing violence if the Democrats take full control of the government. These people are always surprisingly cooperative when the government is run by Republicans and then rediscover their "anti-government" beliefs when Democrats share or dominate the government. I can't imagine why that would be."

This is a key observation. The rightwing militia and terrorist movement that was such a problem in the clinton years, became amazingly pacifist during the bush years. I'm quite sure many, many more rightwing militiamen voted for bush over kerry or gore. These guys pretty much only care about "gun rights", so they were probably pretty happy with bush.

As for these wingnutters alleged love of other constitutional principles, forget about it. It is, and always was, simply about guns and the second amendment to them. The remained curiously silent when Patriot Act was passed, and when bush started wiretapping and arresting and holding ameircans without charges.
Yes, if Obama is elected.
He's too stupid to realize we are safer domestically, something Hillary smartly recognized.:pke:
I would suggest that rhis is not properly described as Right wing terrorism. It can only be described as domestic terrorism. and is bi-partisan, or non-partisan in nature. It will happen and continue to happen regardless of who may be in power.
And true teerrorist attacks / Attempts will grow in number no matter who is elected. We fight em over there and over here. It is not a mutually exclusive thing like the bushists seem to think.