APP - will farrell strikes again

Oh Thank goodness they did this. Just yesterday Iwas sitting at my desk wondering, what does Will Farrell and a few barely recognizable actors think about the healthcare debate.

Hey, how many of those folks who appeared in that video do you think will give up their current plan in favor of the government plan? How many of them will cough up some dough to help their fellow actors who don't work enough to qualify for the SAG health plan?
they are so stupid, they don't realize that if insurance is mandated, the ins co's will get MORE money
Nope, not if things go as planned and competition kicks in, it lowers prices, isn't that whatr free market and Capitalism is all about, or have I been lied to? Isn't competition good? More demand, more supply?
Nope, not if things go as planned and competition kicks in, it lowers prices, isn't that whatr free market and Capitalism is all about, or have I been lied to? Isn't competition good? More demand, more supply?

you don't think with mandated ins that ins co's will make more money? and what competition....the public option?
you don't think with mandated ins that ins co's will make more money? and what competition....the public option?
So, free market does not create competition, is this what you are telling me, demand does not create supply?

I have been lied to by the system!
So, free market does not create competition, is this what you are telling me, demand does not create supply?

I have been lied to by the system!

you bet

it is called anti-trust when the ins companies collude to fix prices

besides, demand will exceed supply until supply can catch up

however, setting up clinics would help a lot...and coops