Will Hillary Escape Again?


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It sounds like John Durham is closing in on the the long-running conspiracy to protect Hillary Clinton.







I can only wait for the next chapter to find out if Hillary escapes from the jaws of death like Pauline. In the meantime I put together a few things about Hillary’s perils:

When individuals get past media’s undying support for Hillary Clinton one fact cannot be discredited. Putin preferred Hillary over Trump hands down. Even today, Putin is doing his best to salvage Hillary’s reputation. If you doubt it compare everything Hillary did for Russia to Trump’s non-crimes —— then ask yourself who would you prefer if you were Putin?

Putin preferred Hillary over Trump hands down. Even today, Putin is doing his best to salvage Hillary’s reputation. If you doubt it compare everything Hillary did for Russia to Trump’s non-crimes —— then ask yourself who would you prefer if you were Putin?


I said this in a thread posted in December 2018:

Hillary Clinton conspired with Putin on the Steele Dossier. No matter. I still believe Hillary will skate because treason is too big to punish. Regardless of my sincere belief, I never wanted to be so wrong about anything.


I said this on another board in 2017

Hillary might pay for Clinton Foundation larceny. She might even pay for using a private e-mail server, but she is not going to pay for treason. Treason is the one crime she committed that is too big to punish, nor will any of her agents be charged. The federal government and the media will never besmirch one their own in a devastating trial. Make no mistake about it. In their eyes Hillary Clinton is a goddess of light and goodness on par with the Virgin Mary to Roman Catholics.

And this:

Trump: Putin wanted Hillary to win election to weaken America:
By Dave Boyer
Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Trump focused on defending the country militarily; whereas, Hillary Clinton represented weakness. Trump could not say the things I have been saying on message boards for 17 years —— Hillary Clinton will sellout this country in a heartbeat.

And then there is Putin’s leverage:

NOTE: Media mouths never gave Putin’s hold over Hillary one minute of coverage, yet the mouths never stopped talking about collusion between Trump and Russia (Putin). The Mueller investigation has been a continuation of Russia’s campaign strategy to put Hillary in the White House.

The fact is: URANIUM ONE gave Putin all the ammunition he needed to put the squeeze on President Hillary Clinton. Naturally, media mouths never asked this question: What did the Mad Russian have on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton BEFORE she gave Russia control over 20 percent of our country’s uranium reserves?

The second question is: With the Uranium One Deal in Putin’s pocket, how much more blackmail material did he have on President Hillary Clinton to make her payoff like a rigged slot machine?

I do not have answers to my speculative questions, but I do know that Putin had nothing on candidate Donald Trump, nor does he have anything on President Trump.

QUESTION: If media power does not come from the people then where does it come from? ANSWER: BLACKMAIL. It works because Hollywood and television conned Americans into believing dirty pictures and incriminating letters are a blackmailer’s favorite tools.


Finally, will ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ order BLM to increase the violence if Hillary Clinton is indicted? It is impossible to know if BLM will follow orders to save an old white woman.

On the other hand there is no love lost between Cortez and Pelosi. Impeaching President Trump is off the table, while Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi still has one card left to play in order to save Hillary —— but only if Pelosi can convince Cortez to sign on:



p.s. Senile Joe Biden is so far gone he is out of the loop.
To Tranquillus in Exile: John Durham is working on it.

The Hoffer qoute is correct, but the observation is not his. Lots of philosophers beat him to it: Edmund Burke in the late 18th century, for example, Lord Action in a slightly different form in the 19th century and so on.

With regard to high-ranking politicians in America, I have always wondered why the system lets those who are crimal walk free.

I mean Hillary Clinton is a major career criminal - has been since the late 1970's. Everyone knows it but she'll never be put in jail.

Likewise Obama, he should be charged with treason, but he will not be.

I asked someone on this forum why America didn't bring people like these to justice ? And he said, "Well, umm, we just don't do that in this country."

But WHY exactly is that ? I don't understand.

The Hoffer qoute is correct, but the observation is not his. Lots of philosophers beat him to it: Edmund Burke in the late 18th century, for example, Lord Action in a slightly different form in the 19th century and so on.

To Dachshund: Thanks.

I quote Eric Hoffer because I had a few conversations with him on several occasions when the ship I was on docked at the pier where he worked as longshoreman. He was always interested in where I had been, etc.

With regard to high-ranking politicians in America, I have always wondered why the system lets those who are crimal walk free.

But WHY exactly is that ? I don't understand.

To Dachshund: No high-ranking politician or federal official will ever be punished for a crime that is too big to punish. Hillary Clinton always knew that she could do anything she pleased because she always knew the unwritten rule protected her. Regardless of the crime she counted on her résumé —— former first lady, former U.S. Senator, and secretary of state when she committed treason.

They conspire to coverup her crimes in order to protect the Senate’s reputation.

They do the same thing for John Kerry who committed treason in 1971 because he became a U.S. Senator. Handing Iran a path to nuclear weapons in his Iran Nuclear Deal and the things he is saying in defense of treason should be enough to at least charge him. They will not because of:

The unwritten rule “The crime is too big to punish.”

Put it this way. They will never allow the American people see that nest of traitors for what it is.

To Dachshund: Thanks.

I quote Eric Hoffer because I had a few conversations with him on several occasions when the ship I was on docked at the pier where he worked as longshoreman. He was always interested in where I had been, etc.

To Dachshund: No high-ranking politician or federal official will ever be punished for a crime that is too big to punish. Hillary Clinton always knew that she could do anything she pleased because she always knew the unwritten rule protected her. Regardless of the crime she counted on her résumé —— former first lady, former U.S. Senator, and secretary of state when she committed treason.

They conspire to coverup her crimes in order to protect the Senate’s reputation.

They do the same thing for John Kerry who committed treason in 1971 because he became a U.S. Senator. Handing Iran a path to nuclear weapons in his Iran Nuclear Deal and the things he is saying in defense of treason should be enough to at least charge him. They will not because of:

The unwritten rule “The crime is too big to punish.”

Put it this way. They will never allow the American people see that nest of traitors for what it is.


Yes, that really surprises me about America. When a American is a politician who has risen to a high level in the political establishment over the years, like Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State), Joe Biden (Vice President) and most notably of all Barack Obama; even if they are guilty of treason, like the later. Everyone in America is resigned to the fact that "they'll never lay a finger on them." Hillary Clinton's criminal career began in earnest in the late 1970's (e.g. the "White Water" affair using, bribery to manipulate the Cattle Futures market after she had bought in) and a very lucrative occupation it has been for her to say the least How much money did she make through the "Uranium 1" scandal (selling US Uranium to the Russians FFS !!)l, and how many millions has she pocketed using the "Clinton Foundation" as front for international money-laundering. Then Clinton is caught effectively red-handed by the FBI destroying evidence in the email fiasco. Then Director of the FBI, Jim Comey, knew exactly what she's done, but he decided to let her off with a slap on the wrist for being "careless." Then she's mixed up paying for "oppo" research on Trump in 2015, Clinton and the DNC pitch in $12,000,000 for Fusion GPS to hire a slime-bag (or in Trump's words "a low-life) former London MI-6 spy, Christopher Steele to traipse about digging Russian dirt on Trump. The result is the "vaunted" "Steele Dossier" which if full of dubious unverifiable 2nd and 3rd hand tittle-tattle and salacious filth. The "Steele Dossier" was dismissed as worthless garbage in 2018 in the report of the IG of the DOJ.

The there's Obama's involvement in the "Deep State" coup intended to bring down the Trump administration. If you gave the documentary evidence that now exists and explained the facts the events that unfolded over the first three and one half year any self-respecting jurors in an American Court is going to find Obama guilty of treason. AND HE IS. So is his then VP, Joe Biden. I mean, it sticks out like "dog's balls." (pardon the vernacular).

Will Obama ever be charged ? ............NO!

Will Crooked Hillary ever do time in stir..........NO!

Will Obama's Democrat "Deep State" henchmen: Jim Clapper, Jim Comey, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, etc. be thrown in the can................I DOUBT IT

I think you're right. In America when a high-ranking, high profile Politician or Federal Bureaucrat, say, like Maxine Waters (who is corrupt Democrat) and John Comey (Director) of the CIA respectively are caught breaking the law BIG TIME, they're not bothered in the slighted because the tradition in the US is that they regarded as untouchable/above the law. Perhaps these "big fish" are not fried, because DC doesn't want to disillusion the American public by letting them know that lots of their "honorable Congressmen and Senators are crooks - it could end up eroding the faith of the American public in their national systems of government and politics.

PS: Then again in 1972 , all hell came down on Richard Nixon's head after five numbskulls botched a burglary at the Watergate Hotel/Complex. Nixon knew these five guys, they had links to the Committee to Re-elect Richard Nixon (CRE) - and he nick-named them "The Plumbers" (they specialized in preventing and repairing information "leaks"), they were 3rd-rate break and enter men who did some odd jobs (small-time stuff) for Nixon now and then. But Nixon did not know they were trying to break into the DNA Headquarters in the Watergate Hotel/complex in Washington on the night they were caught by a security guard on the premises and then hauled off by they police. The police found nothing noteworthy on the five except abut $2,300 in cash that one of the men was carrying. To cut a long story short the cash was traced back to the White House. Nixon was soon informed of the attempted break-in at the Watergate, and made the fatal mistake of trying to cover-up his administration's involvement in the Watergate.

Dachshund (To Be Completed)
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