will joe biter kiss the rear ends of Iran like O bung hole did

Why do you assholes love to have the Middle East embroiled in non stop war while you rub Putin cock with such glee?
Obama stopped Iran's nuclear bomb construction. Some of us thought that was good for the world and especially the middle east. Trump has put them back on the nuclear construction path and rightys like that. I do not know why that is a diplomatic achievement.
Obama stopped Iran's nuclear bomb construction. Some of us thought that was good for the world and especially the middle east. Trump has put them back on the nuclear construction path and rightys like that. I do not know why that is a diplomatic achievement.

he didnt stop anything thats a myth they were working on it the entire time .
Obama stopped Iran's nuclear bomb construction. Some of us thought that was good for the world and especially the middle east. Trump has put them back on the nuclear construction path and rightys like that. I do not know why that is a diplomatic achievement.

he didn't stop anything your a fool if you think Iran stopped working on anything , why do you think they kept testing ICBMs for , perhaps fire cracker delivery ?

heres how you get Iran to stop working

bush lied us into that mess

Trumpy keeps trying to goad Iran into a mess

A mess there helps the US oil corps make bank

What mess do you expect to happen with regard to Iran? Peace deals between the Arab states and Israel?

Did Bush get us into Libya and Syria?

we can trust Iran right , they know the Biters will make a deal that has no teeth and one they can do as they please and weak kneed joe will remove sanction so they can make money fund their nuke program and spread terrorist across the globe with the funding because joes a sissy man

I question the idea that Iran has at this point any interest in working with the dying West.

They have thrown in with the Empire.
What mess do you expect to happen with regard to Iran? Peace deals between the Arab states and Israel?

Did Bush get us into Libya and Syria?

no one got us into libya or syria, if you mean combat soldiers. what are you talking about? bush lied us into an invasion of iraq based on lies about wmds and ties to al qaeda, that ended with us occupying that country for 9 goddamn years, our combat soldiers being used like police, which candidate bush promised would never happen. we spent an estimated 2 trillion dollars invading that third world, no threat country, lost about 4,000 soldiers, with another 35,000 or so wounded, and killed about 200,000 iraqi civilians. we never invaded libya or syria and had only minimal soldiers on the ground in either country.

we can trust Iran right , they know the Biters will make a deal that has no teeth and one they can do as they please and weak kneed joe will remove sanction so they can make money fund their nuke program and spread terrorist across the globe with the funding because joes a sissy man


Teabaggers praised Dotard when he went to N. Korea.

"A huge foreign policy win for President Trump," Hannity said March 8. "Little Rocket Man blinks. Now, the president’s tough rhetoric, his bold action, his severe sanctions, they appear to be working tonight. President Trump is accepting an invitation to meet with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un by May, and Pyongyang is agreeing to stop all nuclear and missile tests while these talks are underway".

Not so much with Obama.

"One of the most disturbing displays of Obama's lack of foreign policy expertise came during last year's YouTube debate," Hannity said Oct. 26, 2008. "The junior senator from Illinois gave what many called a naive answer for a question from the audience about whether he would meet with the leaders of Syria, Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea without preconditions."

Then, Dotard stopped joint military exercises with S. Korea, just like his communist lover boy wanted.

we can trust Iran right , they know the Biters will make a deal that has no teeth and one they can do as they please and weak kneed joe will remove sanction so they can make money fund their nuke program and spread terrorist across the globe with the funding because joes a sissy man

Yes because they own the leadership of the democrat party. Cartel money is chump change compared to where the big bucks come from. O I L
