Will John Ellis Bush be picked as VP running mate ?

John Ellis Bush is the Preisdents Brother, ex gov of Florida .

Well John Ellis Bush is also the nephew of W.

Why would he Jeb be picked as a VP?

The sad irony is that of all the Bush family Jeb would make the best President. He was actually creative in trying to solve problems in Florida and because his father and brother did so poorly he will most likely have no chance.
I expect some deals have been made. The Bush clan cannot realize that in all likelihood GWB has ended the family dynasty...
I expect some deals have been made. The Bush clan cannot realize that in all likelihood GWB has ended the family dynasty...

What deal has been made?

I'll pay for your grandkids college education if Jeb Bush is VP. You conspiracy people trip me out.
I expect some deals have been made. The Bush clan cannot realize that in all likelihood GWB has ended the family dynasty...

Actually the Clintons and the Bushs have a running joke on all of America and they have combined forces to be the two families of royalty in the U.S. Hillary for eight years then Jeb will be President and by then Chelsea will be President. That's 40 straight years of a Clinton or Bush being President. I'm calling it now.
What deal has been made?

I'll pay for your grandkids college education if Jeb Bush is VP. You conspiracy people trip me out.

The grandkids college education is taken care of. trust funds set up.

Conspiracy ? No just political deals. Such as you scratch my back I will scratch yours...Same way Bush I's boys were supported in spite of their failed business ventures. Same way GWB got in the guard past the waiting list.

Same way the Kennedy kids have done well.

No conspiracy stuff just politics and money power as per usual.
I expect some deals have been made. The Bush clan cannot realize that in all likelihood GWB has ended the family dynasty...
It hasn't. just been postponed. Wait til 2016 But I agree, he is the best of the bushes. Daddy was no great shakes either.
Yeah a bad crowd like the rest of the Bushes and the religious right :) then there was the selling water pumps to Nicaragua scandal and at least one more I forget right now. Then the Schavio incident...
Daugher is a 3 time drug felon but since one record was expunged she did no time as daddy promised for all three time losers. Wife was an international smuggler.