APP - Will lefties euthanize their pets?

LOL Long ago I read a quote that 'people who love animals haven't lowered their pride enough to love humans'. I cannot find the source but I believe it was a French writer. Anyway, we grew up scruffy as there were too many of us and one of our aunts loved her animals while she looked at us as ragamuffins. That must have influenced the way I and other family view animal lovers. I'd never have a pet, and many so called liberals I know don't either. Many of our republican friends, many well to do, have pets and spend a fortune on them. I find pets fill a void for people even married people. I find that odd as the idea of needing an animal is alien to me but I know people more liberal who have comfort dogs who visit the sick. - enough rambling gotta drop.

Later edit: Funny how things in America find themselves located in categories that can then be easily used to praise or derogate another. But surely many others things can be managed without taking the lonely person's only friend in life.

"I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." Winston Churchill
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I had a opportunity to check with all my liberal pet owners and no, no plans to euthanasia, but they say thanks for asking and being concerned.
A prime example of why Alarmists are not taken seriously. I was obviously being facetious about euthanizing our pets as a 'solution' to getting colder weather and one of the most serious posters on the board agrees.

I don't think people concerned with climate change are being alarmists? Change is obvious if you live or visit near the oceans and bays of America. Climate change is a scientific fact, like other complex issues such as smoking or asbestos or water pollution and even air pollution. Look at the air quality in large cities. Polluters and others push Agnotology as doubt is an effective tool when issues are made political rather than practical. I doubt most climate change deniers drink lead water, smoke, or fill their homes with asbestos, but I bet you could find people arguing about these issues still. People oppose knowledge for reasons that often seem absurd to someone studying the phenomenon. Why some people even believe in germs, I ain't ever seen one have you?

'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway

"What don't we know, and why don't we know it? What keeps ignorance alive, or allows it to be used as a political instrument? Agnotology—the study of ignorance—provides a new theoretical perspective to broaden traditional questions about "how we know" to ask: Why don't we know what we don't know?"

'Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance' by Robert Proctor, Londa Schiebinger