APP - Will Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell cave to Pelosi?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I guess that is the big question. It is obvious that Chuck U Schumer answers to Pelosi and is now her puppet. Despite the Constitutions clear text, Nancy Pelosi is trying to insert herself as the rule maker for the Senate trial.

If I had to guess, I would say that McConnell is not going to cave and not because of any perceived loyalty to President Trump, it is because above all else Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell is an institutionalist and will not allow the House of Representatives to dictate the rules of the Senate.

Imagine if Mitch McConnell had said "I refuse to take up the articles of impeachment unless I think the House runs a fair process"? The howls from the media and the democrats would be deafening, and they would be right to do so. The Senate cannot dictate the rules of the House and the House cannot dictate the rules of the Senate.

It is clear that Pelosi was taking her direction from Laurence Tribe and I don't think she has thought this through. McConnell is a skilled parliamentarian and will not be hoodwinked by the likes of Schiff and Nadler.
Im liking the idea of a simple majority move to dismiss and its over in 5 minutes.
That would make it painfully clear just how lame the house case is.
Im liking the idea of a simple majority move to dismiss and its over in 5 minutes.
That would make it painfully clear just how lame the house case is.

They should co-opt the impeachment vote and use the Senate trial as a platform to investigate Quid Pro Joe in Ukraine, as well as Crossfire Hurricane.
They should co-opt the impeachment vote and use the Senate trial as a platform to investigate Quid Pro Joe in Ukraine, as well as Crossfire Hurricane.

Could but they do not need to and why give any legitimacy to this turd of an impeachment ?
Durham can handle all this.