Will N.Y. Jewish Voters Vote for Trump or for Kamala?


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New York Jewish voters gave Biden a 77% favorability rating while giving Trump only a 20% favorability rating.

Here are the percentage ratings in N.Y. for Jews voting for Kamala and Trump:

* As of this week, 52% of Jews have a favorable view of Donald Trump, compared to 48% with an unfavorable view.
* If the election were held today, 54% of Jews would vote for Trump, with 44% voting for Kamala.
* On the economy, 58% of Jewish voters favor Trump compared to 39% favoring Kamala.
* On immigration, 58% of Jews favor Trump compared to only 32% for Kamala.
* On democracy in the abstract, despite all the talk about Trump being an existential threat to democracy, Jews favor
Trump (53%) over Kamala (45%).
* On Biden's job performance, only 41% of Jews approve, while 55% disapprove.


* The Jew Guno is originally from N.Y., so it would be incumbent upon him, her, or tranny to switch his her or tranny party affiliation over to the pro Israel Republican party side. The anti Israel Kamala and her anti Israel democrat congressional squad members et al should also be reason enough for Juno or Guno to make the common sense switch to Trump's pro Israel Republican Party. Btw, you would never see the
anti Israel Kamala showing any respect whatsoever to Israel like you see in the picture above.
New York Jewish voters gave Biden a 77% favorability rating while giving Trump only a 20% favorability rating.

Here are the percentage ratings in N.Y. for Jews voting for Kamala and Trump:

* As of this week, 52% of Jews have a favorable view of Donald Trump, compared to 48% with an unfavorable view.
* If the election were held today, 54% of Jews would vote for Trump, with 44% voting for Kamala.
* On the economy, 58% of Jewish voters favor Trump compared to 39% favoring Kamala.
* On immigration, 58% of Jews favor Trump compared to only 32% for Kamala.
* On democracy in the abstract, despite all the talk about Trump being an existential threat to democracy, Jews favor
Trump (53%) over Kamala (45%).
* On Biden's job performance, only 41% of Jews approve, while 55% disapprove.

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* The Jew Guno is originally from N.Y., so it would be incumbent upon him, her, or tranny to switch his her or tranny party affiliation over to the pro Israel Republican party side. The anti Israel Kamala and her anti Israel democrat congressional squad members et al should also be reason enough for Juno or Guno to make the common sense switch to Trump's pro Israel Republican Party. Btw, you would never see the
anti Israel Kamala showing any respect whatsoever to Israel like you see in the picture above.
American jews are "special".
American jews are "special".
Yeah, but Guno and the Dem Party in general aren't exactly seeing it that way, as they are on a freight train
to coalesce around the Jew hating Hamas loving ragheads (especially with the squad and others in N.Y.C.).
Yeah, but Guno and the Dem Party in general aren't exactly seeing it that way, as they are on a freight train
to coalesce around the Jew hating Hamas loving ragheads (especially with the squad and others in N.Y.C.).
That's what I meant by "special". American Jews are in a party with people who HATE them but they love it. Its no wonder they vote dem. You can't make this crap up.
Only a moron believes that the Jewish demographic is some monolithic voting block. Like black people.
Yeah, but Guno and the Dem Party in general aren't exactly seeing it that way, as they are on a freight train
to coalesce around the Jew hating Hamas loving ragheads (especially with the squad and others in N.Y.C.).
Gee another irish goyim post fixated on us Jews

Christian conservatives are cannibalistic, incestuous, triune man god worshipers who practice dangerous superstitions

I don't see a hair of a difference between Christians and Muslims. You're both death cults, obsessed with the afterlife. You both spread your faith at the point of a sword, at the end of a lash. You both react viciously when thwarted and you're both terrified at being laughed at. Both Christianity and Islam are cargo cults, religions built out of sticks and vines .
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