Will Palin have a talking head pundit show on TV'Radio soon?

Not in my house. I get tired of these talking heads, left and right who pontificate about issues in which they all to often don't know jack shit about.

Ohh if Palin got a show I might watch here once or twice for laughs. Her show would then join the rest of the pundit shows for me. Off mode.
citizen, they have been talking since the election that she might get a talk show of some sort and now you're saying 'I have a feeling' like this is some new prediction of yours that you will claim you were right on?
citizen, they have been talking since the election that she might get a talk show of some sort and now you're saying 'I have a feeling' like this is some new prediction of yours that you will claim you were right on?

Aww now don't get all paranoid on me. Just cause I was right about the economy and you were wrong does not mean I am out to get ya.

btw I started that rumor after the election ;)