Will Republicans ditch Trump to save the Senate as support nosedives?


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No, the pukes in the senate had the opportunity to get rid of Trump doing the impeachment trial in the senate, they voted to acquit the criminal pos?!! They should go down with Trump too?!! If the democrats take the white house, they will need to take the senate too, to get things passed and done?!!

The human and economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic has transformed the political landscape and increased talk of a sinking ship.

Hispanic supporters of Donald Trump sat around the cabinet table, lavished him with praise and promised: “We will rebuild America with you, and we will make America great again.” For a moment, in his self-affirming White House bubble, it seemed the US president remained master of his destiny.

But when reporters questioned him, Trump answered only one. Then he was done. A White House staffer bellowed forcefully at the assembled media: “Let’s go! Let’s go! Keep going! Let’s go! Come on, we’re done! Let’s go!” It was a sign of how the president has become less indulgent of unfriendly media questions than when he thought he was riding high.

Trump is in trouble. The coronavirus has killed more than 130,000 Americans, tens of millions of people have lost their jobs and there has been a tectonic cultural shift for racial justice. Opinion polls suggest he is the worst-placed incumbent since Jimmy Carter was hammered by Ronald Reagan in 1980, leaving his Republican party somewhere between anxiety and panic about November’s elections for the White House and Congress.

“The mood is like probably what it felt like when you were on the Titanic,” said Joe Walsh, a former congressman from Illinois. “These cowardly Republicans in the Senate and House know Trump’s going to get destroyed in November but they’re tied to him and they’re gonna go down with him and they have no choice, and I think they realise that.”

The sinking ship metaphor comes up again and again among Republicans interviewed by the Guardian and other media outlets.

Biden leads Trump by 52% to 40% in a Guardian/Opinium Research poll conducted in late June. Numerous other polls agree the Democrat has a double-digit lead and, crucially, put him ahead in six battleground states. Two in three people now disapprove of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, according to an ABC News/Ipsos poll, with the percentage of Republicans who approve sinking from 90% in mid-June to 78% now.



No, the pukes in the senate had the opportunity to get rid of Trump doing the impeachment trial in the senate, they voted to acquit the criminal pos?!! They should go down with Trump too?!! If the democrats take the white house, they will need to take the senate too, to get things passed and done?!!

The human and economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic has transformed the political landscape and increased talk of a sinking ship.

[FONT=&]Hispanic supporters of Donald Trump sat around the cabinet table, lavished him with praise and promised: “We will rebuild America with you, and we will make America great again.” For a moment, in his self-affirming White House bubble, it seemed the US president remained master of his destiny.

[FONT=&]But when reporters questioned him, Trump answered only one. Then he was done. A White House staffer bellowed forcefully at the assembled media: “Let’s go! Let’s go! Keep going! Let’s go! Come on, we’re done! Let’s go!” It was a sign of how the president has become less indulgent of unfriendly media questions than when he thought he was riding high.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]Trump is in trouble. The coronavirus has killed more than 130,000 Americans, tens of millions of people have lost their jobs and there has been a tectonic cultural shift for racial justice. Opinion polls suggest he is the worst-placed incumbent since Jimmy Carter was hammered by Ronald Reagan in 1980, leaving his Republican party somewhere between anxiety and panic about November’s elections for the White House and Congress.

[FONT=&]“The mood is like probably what it felt like when you were on the Titanic,” said Joe Walsh, a former congressman from Illinois. “These cowardly Republicans in the Senate and House know Trump’s going to get destroyed in November but they’re tied to him and they’re gonna go down with him and they have no choice, and I think they realise that.”

[FONT=&]The sinking ship metaphor comes up again and again among Republicans interviewed by the Guardian and other media outlets.

Biden leads Trump by 52% to 40% in a Guardian/Opinium Research poll conducted in late June. Numerous other polls agree the Democrat has a double-digit lead and, crucially, put him ahead in six battleground states. Two in three people now disapprove of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, according to an ABC News/Ipsos poll, with the percentage of Republicans who approve sinking from 90% in mid-June to 78% now.




Too late. I wouldn't vote for one of those disgraceful sycophants if they were running for dog catcher. Screw their political calculation. Trump should already be gone, and we would probably on the other side of this crisis by now. That's on them.
thats what the democrats are saying,,,
I dont see the secret,,,

No, there are no Democrats saying that. Because we believe in math and probabilities and polls and crazy stuff like that. Trump is being steamrolled. He is behind in every swing state, behind by 10 points overall, and the Senate is slipping away, Collins, McSally, and Gardner are way down, and Tillis and Ernst are both down. And now the virus is spreading, Trump is commuting the sentences of his buddies, his approval on race relations is 30+ points underwater and he has no plan. Anyone that thinks Trump is even in sight of Biden right now is whistling past the graveyard.
No, there are no Democrats saying that. Because we believe in math and probabilities and polls and crazy stuff like that. Trump is being steamrolled. He is behind in every swing state, behind by 10 points overall, and the Senate is slipping away, Collins, McSally, and Gardner are way down, and Tillis and Ernst are both down. And now the virus is spreading, Trump is commuting the sentences of his buddies, his approval on race relations is 30+ points underwater and he has no plan. Anyone that thinks Trump is even in sight of Biden right now is whistling past the graveyard.

why would biden steal the biggest idea, buying american, from a candidate he's supposedly so far ahead of?
No, there are no Democrats saying that. Because we believe in math and probabilities and polls and crazy stuff like that. Trump is being steamrolled. He is behind in every swing state, behind by 10 points overall, and the Senate is slipping away, Collins, McSally, and Gardner are way down, and Tillis and Ernst are both down. And now the virus is spreading, Trump is commuting the sentences of his buddies, his approval on race relations is 30+ points underwater and he has no plan. Anyone that thinks Trump is even in sight of Biden right now is whistling past the graveyard.

maybe you should have watched the video,,,
Posting a video with no comment is lazy. Think for yourself.


you tell me to think for myself at the same time you want me to tell you what to think,,,

there are some things that speak for themselves,,if you choose to ignore them, all I ask is you dont complain about it to me,,,

or if you want to ask me something specific about the contents then you can do that,,,

you tell me to think for myself at the same time you want me to tell you what to think,,,

there are some things that speak for themselves,,if you choose to ignore them, all I ask is you dont complain about it to me,,,

or if you want to ask me something specific about the contents then you can do that,,,

You were the one whining and complaining, not me little fella.