Will the Biter crime fmily make millions this year ?


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With the new year comes a new President crime boss big daddy biter and company.

Will alll the little biters cash in ?
Almost for sure if big daddy can cover up the existing crime family activates that are under investigation.

But with Big daddy biters new power his family and the Under boss Peanut butter legs Harris and her family should be able to rake in millions from other nations corruptions and big Daddy's.
I think they will hide it better and use the more corrupt and dumb democrats to extort cash from other nations, and just take a cut.
The little biter and the biters brother dint hide their crime sprees as good as the biters sister did so thats why they are being investigated, b ut dont fear the crime boss learned from it and will cut them out of any direct payments and use shell company's and lower ranking biter fans that are stupid like fag daddy willing idiots to do the bidding of the biters
The Biter crime family is is composed of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden; his younger brothers Frank Biden and James Biden, his sister Valerie Biden, and his daughter Ashley Biden.

Marlow highlighted Schweizer’s latest book, Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, as “the gateway into understanding not just Joe Biden and the Biden family, but also the entire institutional Democratic Party at this moment and their corruption.”
No money left after the CorruptRump family mafia came to DC.

I often wonder if slick willy and his hag gave Big daddy biter and his family lessons on extortion.
Simply because big daddy biter is to stupid to do it on his own or teach his crack head whore mongering son to.
Maybe on of the other biters were the teachers , I just don't see bill and Hillary sharing unless it was a underage teen with Epstein .