Will the Democratic Senate comfirm Robert Gates?


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Bush should confer with Majority Leader Reid.

Too bad the Republicans did not enact the "nuclear option" and make the senate a Pure Majority rules institution!
I would think that a lame duck session in December could confirm Gates with the existing republican majority
Does the Chimp even give a shit about competence, and bringing Iraq to a satisfactory conclusion?

WTF is he hiring some washed out GOP hack from Poppy's adminstration.

WFT isn't he asking Colin Powell to be SECDEF?
Powel would be the call... but Powel has shown a small bit of independence...
Bush should confer with Majority Leader Reid.

Too bad the Republicans did not enact the "nuclear option" and make the senate a Pure Majority rules institution!

Too bad the go-along to get-along Senate Democrats didn't force that very issue and prevent a Supreme Court under Roberts from becoming a reality.

Gates is another secretive torturer put in charge of the torture chamber. What bullshit.. Business as Usual.


feigned of course

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Cheney sought cover; some would have called Rumsfeld, Cheney's buffer zone.

Evidently Cheney concurred with that assessment.