Will The Supreme Court Allow It?


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ANSWER: Call your maker and bet large on NO if you are a gambler looking for a sure thing.

The Trump administration is bringing back federal executions
By Catherine Kim
Jul 25, 2019, 4:35pm EDT


Four Democrat justices will vote against a federal death penalty. The smart money says Chief Justice Roberts, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh —— or all three —— will vote with the libs.

Naturally, Democrats are already calling advocates of the death penalty hypocrites because many support some form of abortion.

NOTE: Infanticide is a death penalty. The accused is executed without a trial, but you will never see five comedians voting to abolish that death penalty. Frankly, I would arrest butchers in black robes, then tried and executed for every child that is put to death for the crime of daring to live.


Thankfully, Dana Loesch destroys the Left’s argument better than I:

Also see number 8 permalink in this thread if you are interested in the topic:

Life without parole is another myth.

A loophole in the 1987 life-without-parole law allows inmates to apply for clemency. In a move to clarify who might be eligible for clemency, the state Pardon and Parole Board recently enacted a policy that gives inmates with this sentence a chance for early release after 15 years.

Loophole lets inmates seek parole Board changes life sentence policy
Bob Doucette
Published: Sat, March 9, 2002 12:00 AM


Long before 1987 Clarence Darrow not only beat the death penalty he beat life without parole.

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-45835584 The Repubs are putting us in the group of uncivilized backward nations who do not respect life. We are where the Repubs want us to be, with Muslim and backward nations. We are not one of the civilized countries.,
We're about the only nation that does respect life. All of the others deny the basic right of self defense. The death penalty is simply an extension of that basic right.

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We're about the only nation that does respect life. All of the others deny the basic right of self defense. The death penalty is simply an extension of that basic right.

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the death penalty is a throwback to the uncivilized past. European nations have eliminated it as any civilized nation should. The error rate in death penalty cases is 4.1 percent. Sleep well knowing your revenge is killing innocent people.
the death penalty is a throwback to the uncivilized past. European nations have eliminated it as any civilized nation should. The error rate in death penalty cases is 4.1 percent. Sleep well knowing your revenge is killing innocent people.
It's not about revenge. It's about removing proven dangers from society.

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It is, quite literally, the only punishment for a crime actually written into the constitution. I don't think there would be a valid argument to remove the Death Penalty based on the constitution considering that one fact it is clear that the constitution did not consider death to be a "cruel and unusual" punishment.