APP - will there be enough rain to save the soybean crop

Looks like the Great northwest is going to be the new bread basket of America.Our weather is mild and we have plenty of water.
the drought is a result of the el nino type of phase the pacific decadal oscillation is currently in.

Please stop blaming global climate for weather that is a result of localized activity. Droughts are a normal part of the weather in these regions. I don't doubt the severity of the drought. I don't think there is convincing evidence that the drought is a result of global climate and there is ample evidence that it's the result of the PDO being in negative phase.
More than half (52%) of the spatial and temporal variance in multidecadal drought frequency over the conterminous United States is attributable to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). An additional 22% of the variance in drought frequency is related to a complex spatial pattern of positive and negative trends in drought occurrence possibly related to increasing Northern Hemisphere temperatures or some other unidirectional climate trend. Recent droughts with broad impacts over the conterminous U.S.

As I posted last week, a new detailed study has shown that the climate is actually cooling over the last 2000 years.

I'll end the post with a question: Do you deny the effects of the AMO, PDO, and other well known ocean phenomena?